In response to Kaga-Kami
I will do one, lets see how I manage.

The fact is, as a "Ghost Hunter" and i use that in the very lightest terms, people usually have Ghosts very confused.

Spirits are not usually locked onto a land or some sort of material possession, unless for a very specififc reason. Like a Woman was murdered in her house, her body buried under the floor boards, her spirit may stay close to the body until it has been properly burided and/or the killer was found.

Spirits to not usually link themselfs to things like canes or rings or watches. More then likley the grandfathers spirit, (if there even is one!) is actully connected to the family or the grandson.

Alot of ghost hunters like the theory that ghosts are just like you and me, and move around however they may like, and even move into a brand new house because they like this.

I wont say anything is proof positive, but I for one, could believe it.

Alot of people may say stuff like their watch or cane is haunted, but in reality they say our emotions contain energy and whatnot, and the enegry from these emotions can be adsorbed by surrounding things. This was further proved by how the human arua changes with the person emotions. But how the hell can you use such proof? I just choose to believe.

ANYWAYS, lets say for example there used to be alot of fighting in one house, or physcial abuse, its quite possible that the negative energy could be adsorbed by the house (or chairs) and have a limited or lasting effect, from anywhere to occasilay transmitting visble images (such as a suspected ghost) or weeping or even talking, but it turns out these are just left over from when the person was alive and in such a case was not actully a spirit.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
Spirits are not usually locked onto a land or some sort of material possession, unless for a very specififc reason. Like a Woman was murdered in her house, her body buried under the floor boards, her spirit may stay close to the body until it has been properly burided and/or the killer was found.

Spirits can posses anything they want. They can posses your cat, you, your plant, anything. Spirits, when restless, are very dangerous around the living. Most of the time, they will posses the weakest target, and use them effectively to get what they want. Usually, people don't understand anything spiritual, most think it's fake and think nothing of it. But that's what will get you attacked.

Spirits to not usually link themselfs to things like canes or rings or watches. More then likley the grandfathers spirit, (if there even is one!) is actully connected to the family or the grandson.

Spirits will "sleep" in anything of material possesion tht they once owned. This could be anything from rings, bracelets, to clothes and cars. The thing that links it is what happened. Did the person get murdered, is it their favorite posession, are they not happy with how their life ended? To understand a spirit, you can't be afraid to ask it questions and figure out why it is like it is and what happened.

Alot of ghost hunters like the theory that ghosts are just like you and me, and move around however they may like, and even move into a brand new house because they like this.

What? Spirits always have a reason for following someone, or something.

I wont say anything is proof positive, but I for one, could believe it.

Knowing the internet, even if it was true i wouldn't waste my time with something so stupid.

Alot of people may say stuff like their watch or cane is haunted, but in reality they say our emotions contain energy and whatnot, and the enegry from these emotions can be adsorbed by surrounding things. This was further proved by how the human arua changes with the person emotions. But how the hell can you use such proof? I just choose to believe.

You must study buhda, and the art of ki and using it, to understand auras and energy. Someone might flame me and say "Yur a Dbz noobl2t!!1112!", but truely DBZ got the over exaggerated attacks from budha.

ANYWAYS, lets say for example there used to be alot of fighting in one house, or physcial abuse, its quite possible that the negative energy could be adsorbed by the house (or chairs) and have a limited or lasting effect, from anywhere to occasilay transmitting visble images (such as a suspected ghost) or weeping or even talking, but it turns out these are just left over from when the person was alive and in such a case was not actully a spirit.

No, these are real things happening. Energy doesn't have the ability to emit any form of image. It's completely different then what you believe. The effected area and persons may see "Ghosts" because of the fear of seeing something that isn't real, and automatically assuming it will harm them. Most of the time you cannot see a spirit, but you can sense it, it's aura, and it's alignment. Understanding why it is there is the first key to getting rid of it. To exorcise a spirit, you must get it to willingly rest peacfully. This requires you to talk to them, and figure out the puzzle of why they won't rest. I remember a game that i have played, there was a spirit that wouldn't rest until you found out what it was missing. It was a ring, a wedding ring of the young bride, the couple were murdered and the girl refused to sleep peacfully until her ring (Which was stolen from her) was returned. She haunted an entire japanese village until someone would finally notice her.

But either way, there is always a reason for the spirit to be around, and it's up for someone that has the mental strength to get rid of them. I have exorcised many of ghosts, and it isn't entirely easy. Most of the time they're very unwary, disappointed, sad, depressed; They feel just like we do, it's just un-earthly. When you hear that crying down the hallway when your school is all dark, it's a sad spirit that lost itself on the way.

You're close shades, but you need to do a lot more studing! ^^

(Spelling mistakes aren't going to be corrected, i must leave quickly.)
In response to Shades
The fact is, as a student of folk lore, parapsychology, metaphysics, and philosophy... I have a hard time finding anything in you or Kami's post that doesn't look like a child trying to appear knowledgeable while asserting things he fairly well made up. :P

The idea that emotions leave behind resonances is offered as a parallel explanation to the existence of ghosts... i.e., what are thought of as "ghosts" or "spirits" are nothing more than psychic fingerprints, strong emotions and memories overlayed on a physical object or location. Most ghost hunters either believe in ghosts as literal entities OR they believe in these emotional afterimages... you won't find many serious ones that will say, "Oh, this isn't a ghost. It's a psychic echo. The real ghost got bored and moved next door." If they believe in the energy/aura effect, then such things are the "real ghosts" to them.

If you can show me a link to a ghost hunter or parapsychologist's website (that doesn't look like it was made by a 12 year) and it matches any of your assertions about what theories many ghost hunters have, I will publically proclaim that you're right and I'm wrong. :P

And if Kaga-Kami can show me any teachings of Buddha (note: that's TEACHINGS OF BUDDHA, not a "Insert Name Here" Buddhist style of something) that have to do with chi/ki attacks... well, I see that as likewise unlikely, but I will likewise proclaim he's right and I'm wrong.

(And this is ignoring the fact that neither of you got the point of the original eBay auction. She's not selling a ghost. She's selling a cane, so that her impressionable child will think the ghost is gone. It doesn't matter if a real ghost would follow the cane or not. All that matters is it will help put her kid at ease. It's like cookies and milk for Santa. It doesn't matter if the "real" Santa is lactose intolerant and on the Atkins (God, that would be a sucky combination. No cheese, only meat.)... it makes the kids feel better to "know" he's getting their treats.)
In response to Kaga-Kami
Kaga-Kami wrote:
Shades wrote:
Spirits are not usually locked onto a land or some sort of material possession, unless for a very specififc reason. Like a Woman was murdered in her house, her body buried under the floor boards, her spirit may stay close to the body until it has been properly burided and/or the killer was found.

Spirits can posses anything they want. They can posses your cat, you, your plant, anything. Spirits, when restless, are very dangerous around the living. Most of the time, they will posses the weakest target, and use them effectively to get what they want. Usually, people don't understand anything spiritual, most think it's fake and think nothing of it. But that's what will get you attacked.

Spirits to not usually link themselfs to things like canes or rings or watches. More then likley the grandfathers spirit, (if there even is one!) is actully connected to the family or the grandson.

Spirits will "sleep" in anything of material possesion tht they once owned. This could be anything from rings, bracelets, to clothes and cars. The thing that links it is what happened. Did the person get murdered, is it their favorite posession, are they not happy with how their life ended? To understand a spirit, you can't be afraid to ask it questions and figure out why it is like it is and what happened.

Alot of ghost hunters like the theory that ghosts are just like you and me, and move around however they may like, and even move into a brand new house because they like this.

What? Spirits always have a reason for following someone, or something.

I wont say anything is proof positive, but I for one, could believe it.

Knowing the internet, even if it was true i wouldn't waste my time with something so stupid.

Alot of people may say stuff like their watch or cane is haunted, but in reality they say our emotions contain energy and whatnot, and the enegry from these emotions can be adsorbed by surrounding things. This was further proved by how the human arua changes with the person emotions. But how the hell can you use such proof? I just choose to believe.

You must study buhda, and the art of ki and using it, to understand auras and energy. Someone might flame me and say "Yur a Dbz noobl2t!!1112!", but truely DBZ got the over exaggerated attacks from budha.

ANYWAYS, lets say for example there used to be alot of fighting in one house, or physcial abuse, its quite possible that the negative energy could be adsorbed by the house (or chairs) and have a limited or lasting effect, from anywhere to occasilay transmitting visble images (such as a suspected ghost) or weeping or even talking, but it turns out these are just left over from when the person was alive and in such a case was not actully a spirit.

No, these are real things happening. Energy doesn't have the ability to emit any form of image. It's completely different then what you believe. The effected area and persons may see "Ghosts" because of the fear of seeing something that isn't real, and automatically assuming it will harm them. Most of the time you cannot see a spirit, but you can sense it, it's aura, and it's alignment. Understanding why it is there is the first key to getting rid of it. To exorcise a spirit, you must get it to willingly rest peacfully. This requires you to talk to them, and figure out the puzzle of why they won't rest. I remember a game that i have played, there was a spirit that wouldn't rest until you found out what it was missing. It was a ring, a wedding ring of the young bride, the couple were murdered and the girl refused to sleep peacfully until her ring (Which was stolen from her) was returned. She haunted an entire japanese village until someone would finally notice her.

But either way, there is always a reason for the spirit to be around, and it's up for someone that has the mental strength to get rid of them. I have exorcised many of ghosts, and it isn't entirely easy. Most of the time they're very unwary, disappointed, sad, depressed; They feel just like we do, it's just un-earthly. When you hear that crying down the hallway when your school is all dark, it's a sad spirit that lost itself on the way.

You're close shades, but you need to do a lot more studing! ^^

(Spelling mistakes aren't going to be corrected, i must leave quickly.)

Yes, but understand, these are ideas and nothing more, we have to real way to prove it, so you canted tell me I'am wrong. But Im glad we agree to a certian level.

Actully as far as Chi and stuff goes, I have been intresting in getting into a group.. Psions I believ. Ive done some reading up on it, and while I do not believe in the extreamy of DBZ, I do kind of believe in enegry minulatopn. I'am a believer of every, so why wouldnt we be able to some how harrness it.

If in turn, it just turns out to be a bunch of stoners, Ill drop the group classes.
In response to Shades
Actully as far as Chi and stuff goes, I have been intresting in getting into a group.. Psions I believ.

I'll tell you what, any group called "Psions" is likely not worth it (likewise any supposed folklorist, cryptozoologist, or paranormalist who uses the word "lycans" in a sentence)... especially if when you say "group classes," they're charging for it. They won't teach you anything about energy manipulation techniques that you can't learn with a little research online, or a quick trip to a Border's or Barnes and Noble, which will have a New Age or Metaphysical section.
In response to Shades
Please don't reply with quote and leave a ton of text up there that isn't needed. It took me over half a minute just to scroll down to where your new text started (I thought you probably had something stuck in the bulk of it all somewhere and skimmed it all over).
In response to Hedgemistress
Exactly, don't ever pay to learn this stuff. I learned it from a site passed around the DBZ community on byond, amazingly.

It's called "The Ki University". Even though it's not being updated anymore, and i'm sure there are some problems with spelling or grammar, it does teach you how to use your energy effectively.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
They won't teach you anything about energy manipulation techniques that you can't learn with a little research online, or a quick trip to a Border's or Barnes and Noble, which will have a New Age or Metaphysical section.

Nor will they teach you anything you can't learn by sitting on your butt and doing nothing. But oh well, if he has the extra time on his hands I suppose he needs to do something with it.
In response to Hedgemistress
(And this is ignoring the fact that neither of you got the point of the original eBay auction. She's not selling a ghost. She's selling a cane, so that her impressionable child will think the ghost is gone. It doesn't matter if a real ghost would follow the cane or not. All that matters is it will help put her kid at ease. It's like cookies and milk for Santa. It doesn't matter if the "real" Santa is lactose intolerant and on the Atkins (God, that would be a sucky combination. No cheese, only meat.)... it makes the kids feel better to "know" he's getting their treats.)

That's like giving an insane hobo with a thurst for blood a whole army. Just because the child "thinks" it's gone, doesn't mean it actually will leave. Like i said, it could be there for more then just a cane. It could be there for the kid, the mom, the piece of dust on the floor, we don't know and never will unless we personally meet her! -.-

And yes, i do study and believe in buddha, but to my own extent, as it is my choice if i want to believe in it all, or just a few pieces that make sense to me. And no, i'm not just in it for energy, i believe, study, and hold buddha in my heart as a person. I believe it makes me a better person to choose everything i want to believe rather then just one thing. Good day. :P
In response to Kaga-Kami
Exactly, don't ever pay to learn this stuff. I learned it from a site passed around the DBZ community on byond, amazingly.

Oh my goth... while the basic techniques and some of the background information on there is the same thing you will learn from a more legitimate site or more, heh, traditional book... that site is overall crap. It mainly exists so kids can delude themselves and each other.

It turns into a big game of mutual "The Emperor's New Clothes" where nobody wants to question somebody else's claims that they can fly or break trees a half mile away with a chi blast, because then their own claims will get questioned. This same principle is at work in the higher levels of the Church of Scientology.

Seriously, if anybody can fly or cause physical damage with a chi blast, the Amazing Randi has a million dollars with their name on it.
In response to Kaga-Kami
That's like giving an insane hobo with a thurst for blood a whole army. Just because the child "thinks" it's gone, doesn't mean it actually will leave.

It's. Not. There. There is no "it" in this case. The mother is humoring her child. This is the crucial piece of information you are lacking.

And yes, i do study and believe in buddha, but to my own extent, as it is my choice if i want to believe in it all, or just a few pieces that make sense to me. And no, i'm not just in it for energy, i believe, study, and hold buddha in my heart as a person. I believe it makes me a better person to choose everything i want to believe rather then just one thing. Good day. :P


In response to Hedgemistress
Well, you don't seem to be looking at it from any other side but your own. You're a woman, of course you're just going to care about the fact that she is mothering her kid. But i don't, i'm a guy, i don't care what she does to her kid. :P
In response to Kaga-Kami
Well, you don't seem to be looking at it from any other side but your own. You're a woman, of course you're just going to care about the fact that she is mothering her kid. But i don't, i'm a guy, i don't care what she does to her kid. :P

Are you even reading my posts? Put up or shut up time, and none of this "LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING" garbage. Show me where I gave a single word of support to what she's doing. Show me where I said it's right or wrong. If you can't... then you are wrong in what you just said. Not opinion. Fact. You are wrong in fact.

The question I'm addressing isn't whether it's right or wrong to pander to a child's imagination in this fashion. I haven't offered an opinion on that.
In response to Loduwijk
Nor will they teach you anything you can't learn by sitting on your butt and doing nothing. But oh well, if he has the extra time on his hands I suppose he needs to do something with it.

He could always spend it praying to God.

People are always going to believe in unprovable, intangible, invisible things. I'm encouraging him not to get sucked into a cult (even just a cult of mutual reinforcement) or throw away a lot of time and money on "information" that's freely availble.

This is the same reason I'll happily point people to copies of the Bible that are available online.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
Exactly, don't ever pay to learn this stuff. I learned it from a site passed around the DBZ community on byond, amazingly.

Oh my goth... while the basic techniques and some of the background information on there is the same thing you will learn from a more legitimate site or more, heh, traditional book... that site is overall crap. It mainly exists so kids can delude themselves and each other.

It turns into a big game of mutual "The Emperor's New Clothes" where nobody wants to question somebody else's claims that they can fly or break trees a half mile away with a chi blast, because then their own claims will get questioned. This same principle is at work in the higher levels of the Church of Scientology.

Seriously, if anybody can fly or cause physical damage with a chi blast, the Amazing Randi has a million dollars with their name on it.

Well, if you would have paid attention, the site isn't just "Overall crap" like everything is to you. The owner states that he does have many buddha books, experiences, and so forth. He also states that no form of energy can be used to cause physical damage.

How it is explained on the site: When you fire your energy into another person, basically, it drains their "Ki sac", if you are powerful enough, you can force someone to fall unconcious by depleting all of their energy. You may have some more flak to shoot, but frankly you're just trying to lecture me with what you think is right in your own mind. :/
In response to Hedgemistress
Hah, you take things too seriously. Just because i mention something doesn't mean i'm putting words in your mouth, most of the time i go off track and say a bunch of stupid things. So if anything, just ignore it.
In response to Hedgemistress
Well don't. All you're doing is trying to recruit people into your own vision of religion. That's all anyone is every doing. Christians like to FORCE it down your throat with a spiked glove on.
In response to Kaga-Kami
Kaga-Kami wrote:
Christians like to FORCE it down your throat with a spiked glove on.

No, people who use Christianity as a painkiller for their fear of worthlessness do that.

I could just as easily say evolutionists do it, or that homosexuals do it (I let them do what they want and don't bother them, the least they could do is stop trying to feel me up and saying "stop resisting your needs"), or even commercials for that matter. Why don't I go yell at the Chinese lady at the mall that works at the cajun place and tell her to stop forcing her crappy food samples on me?

Don't throw cheap punches every time you get the opportunity to dis someone you don't agree with. They can be thrown right back at you.
In response to Kaga-Kami
Well, if you would have paid attention, the site isn't just "Overall crap" like everything is to you.

I've read the site before. Now, if you had paid attention, you would know I said the site has legitimate basic techniques but it's using them to support a bunch of bullcrap.

The owner states that he does have many buddha books, experiences, and so forth.

"Buddha books" have NOTHING to do with it. I challenged you to show me any teachings of Buddha that had to do with chi attacks, and you posted a big rambling paragraph about how you believe in Buddha and that's that. There are times I think you don't even understand the English language.

He also states that no form of energy can be used to cause physical damage.

Bull. Well, he does, but then he repeatedly contradicts. Specific techniques detail the sorts of physical damage that chi can allegedly do, including breaking physical objects. The body, of course, is a physical object. Here's one example where he explicitly says a technique can cause injury:

"Crimson Strike: This technique was devised by my friend Shin'un... [details trimmed]. Be careful with this technique, it could injure your opponent."
In response to Kaga-Kami
Kaga-Kami wrote:
Hah, you take things too seriously.

You take things too stupidly. You don't pay any attention to what anybody else says... and when somebody takes the time to look at what you say, you insult them for bothering to pay attention to you. Why do you even participate in conversations, if you think actually paying attention is so bad?

Just because i mention something doesn't mean i'm putting words in your mouth, most of the time i go off track and say a bunch of stupid things.

So your posts are mindless babble (i.e., spam) and have no business being on the message board? Good to hear you say that.

Remember when you said you weren't going to just run away? You're still doing that. You want to be free to say whatever insulting garbage you can and then say the equivalent of "just kidding" or "it's your fault for paying attention to it."

Be a fricking metaphorical meaning of MAN. Own up to your words. Take responsibility for what you say, and don't say anything you're not willing to be responsible for. Until the day you are willing to do that, you will be nothing but a snotty little kid.
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