![]() Dec 10 2004, 7:19 pm
In response to Kusanagi
Man, I do not give a crap if they were a popular group or not. Does it really matter? A fan, mad about the band breaking up, went through the backstage door and shot the guitarest in the face, shot a fan, and shot the roady. Friggin' horrible bro. I would feel sad if a damn drifter was shot. You people seem to only care when famous people are killed. What about everyone else?
Umm no, I never said nor did anyone else say they didn't care about the other people who got shot, so it would probably best not to assume it. If you perhaps read what I had said instead of just seeing popular in my posts then you would of realized that I was simply pointing out that this news is not that important. People get shot all the time, but you don't see anyone talking about every gunshot victim.(Although that does not mean nobody cares, its just not as important as other news.) I mean what I am disappointed in is that this is the big thing to talk about and nobody is focusing on stuff that is actually imporant.
What "other" stuff? You mean the "stuff" with the war in Iraq? The tons and tons of news we get about that 24/7? It's nothing new. I pray for these guys and girls every night before I goto sleep. The point being, of this subject, is that we were all shocked. The odds of this happening? Rare? We are in a war, we know Americans are going to die tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, ETC. until this war is over. He is a Pantera fan, he wanted to post this. I am somewhat a Pantera fan. I like their song "Respect". Eh- actually, I like all music. And I mean all music.
Goku, read what I say before you post. There a million other things going on, holy crap! Plus I was not even referring to the war, I was referring to the fact that people get shot everyday on streets all over America for no apparant reason, its not that amazing. It just so happened that this guy freaked out and did it to someone well known and some random people in the crowd. I don't get why you are giving a BS war speech and making yourself look rediculously cheesy. I don't even know why you are trying to argue on something that is not even supposed to be argued about, or rather an arguement. So chill out, and actually comprehend what I'v said in this thread before you go off talking about irrelevant things.
I was not arguing. You are in a bad mood, for some reason, so you are reading everything as an argument. That is what happens to people when they are in a bad mood, take a chill pill and come back and read it, and you will realize those posts I have wrote are calmly written. Now this is going to be my last post in this subject, don't want to start a flame war.
Actually I am in a bad mood now since you seem to not understand what I'v been saying. I'd say it was perfectly safe to say you were trying to start an arguement with me, because you disagreed with me over something that really wasn't much to be argued over, and this seems to be a problem you cause often. I'm sorry I might of offended you for having an opinion on the over abundant chatter of this one piece of news, but I was merely pointing out that this is not that important of a topic and that I think it is rediculous that so many people are talking about this more than stuff that actually effects them. I mean if you think that losing this guitarist will change America greatly and is more important than our foreign relationship with India then go ahead and have fun with that.
I'm also just mesmerized by your ability to go on into an entirely irrelevant thing when replying to people though, but I can understand this one since it is easy to assume a person means the "War in Iraq" when they say other news, but that is not what I meant. This goes back to reading the entire thread, as I'v posted a few tidbits that have more of an effect on you than an artist. I'm also going to go back out and touch back on the comment about what you always try to do. I'v talked with a few forums members and the few I talked to have all noticed what you seem to try to pull off in discussions, and I don't know if you don't really see what you are doing or if you are doing it on purpouse, but maybe you should be careful as to how you word your posts. As of lately you seem to be trying to just lure people into flames with you then walk out looking like a good guy, and its not doing anything for you. |
Kusanagi wrote:
As of lately you seem to be trying to just lure people into flames with you then walk out looking like a good guy, and its not doing anything for you. Well, this is how I speak, if you do not like it, deal with it. I in no way intend to "try" and start flame wars. If you look at the last sentence in my other posts, it says that I do not want to start a flame war. And when someone does start a flame war, they all try to look like the good guy so do not even begin to think it is only me. It is everybody. Who wants to look like the bad guy? I don't know, but whoever does has a problem. And I do nothing different than others, when someone makes and opinion, I respond with my opinion. That is all I am doing, that is what everyone does and you seem to only be saying that I am the only one that does. I am a hard debater, that is all. |
No, you don't even debate anything but random stuff that seems to come to mind as you type. You are not a hard debater, you are just someone who seems to draw out subjects not on hand and then try to get others to go over them with you in an irrational way. Also, responding with an opinion is one thing, but coming on and telling everyone that you know so much about them that you'll say you know what they care about is another thing. Thats just one example of what is called "thems fighten' words".