![]() Dec 12 2004, 10:29 am
In response to Elation
I am also a hardcore football player. I play every year, I love the sport (my dream is to get into the NFL).
Ter13 wrote:
First of all, your key says 2002, and it is correct. How do you know? It gives the incorrect date for my key. It says my key was created a few months after it actually was created. I do believe there is even a thread about this in the bugs section. Second of all, it's not 2005 yet. Dracon arrived here around 3 years, and ten months ago, and as for Rae, he arrived slightly later than that. When you travel in an eastward direction time suddenly jumps forward an hour at certain places. Perhaps he has traveled completely around the planet a few dozen times and is now a month in the future. The Flat Earth Society tells us that the earth is flat in order to keep us from going completely around it, but the truth is that they know both that it is spherical and also of this time-altering aspect which they have duped us into calling time zones and distorted our understanding of. They thus have a monopoly on time travel. My point still stands. Zeta did not exist four years ago. It DID exist just under two years and about 8 to 10 months ago. Dracon had barely made GT: Genesis by then, and the most popular Dragonball game at the time was Cinnom's Dragonball Epic Online. That it does. Why don't we travel westward and complete about 900 circuits around the planet to find out? Well, compensating for the forward momentum of natural time which would cause drag (pulling us forward 24 hours every day despite the fact that we are going back in time, basically slowing down time travel. It's the time dilation effect, look up Einstein's special theory of relativity.) so we would probably need to go around about 1,000 times. Oh, and if you want to play on the: "The first time I found BYOND counts as the time I started!" crap, then yeah, I've been here for almost six years, simply because I found this website by mistake while looking for game creation engines. "DUNG" just wasn't what I was looking for. If we counted that, I found out about Byond a year or two before I made my key. Not quite when it was Dung, I don't think, but still quite a while ago. |
I went here on accident wwwwaaaayyyy back when. For like, a minute.
_>I thought it looked stupid, so I alt+f4'D it. |
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
http://photobucket.com/albums/v320/ Tsuppashite/?action=view¤t=OWNED.bmp. O'snap naruto 2!!, where can i get that? http://photobucket.com/albums/v320/ Tsuppashite/?action=view¤t=naruto2.jpg |
What is wrong with replying within a minute of another post? Should we really be punished for refreshing the page?
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
Kunark wrote: I regret making my name too. Here are a list of reasons why. 1.Pms...i dont know they just say it. 2.Some people call me a book worm ha ha thats original. 3.Most come up to me saying the movie Pagemaster sucks when i dont really give a care if it does cause i am not even a fan of the movie i just picked this name cause i liked it and i was 4 years younger. I take it as trying to provoke me and it turns into an arguement. 4.Some even go as low as calling me the penismaster. If i could start over i would just make my name Hulio-G. But thats my friends name on aol. ;( |
Ter13 wrote:
First of all, your key says 2002, and it is correct. No cause it says i found byond on 2002 6th, that is JUNE thats impossible cause school would have ended and i know i told people about byond on christmas month BEFORE school ended. My point still stands. Zeta did not exist four years ago. It DID exist just under two years and about 8 to 10 months ago. Dracon had barely made GT: Genesis by then, and the most popular Dragonball game at the time was Cinnom's Dragonball Epic Online. NO no zeta existed BEFORE i came to byond dont tell me its 2 years, I joined reas version 15 the first game i EVER played the place byond was all black and purple yea i remember perfectly. How many people did cinnoms DEO get?(at the time i thought only reakwons zeta existed because i never knew about the channels and never clicked games live). Oh, and if you want to play on the: "The first time I found BYOND counts as the time I started!" crap, then yeah, I've been here for almost six years, simply because I found this website by mistake while looking for game creation engines. "DUNG" just wasn't what I was looking for. I am going to ignore this part i think you over did it and you definately mis-read. |
I know for a fact zeta was created after that.
By your claim, Zeta existed around january of 2001. I however, have proof that it did not: http://developer.byond.com/forum/ index.cgi?action=message_read&id=48439&forum=7&view=1 This was a post made in November of 2001. In november of 2001, Dracon announced a game called Tenkaichi Budokai, which was a precursor to Zeta. This game was made between GT: Genesis and Zeta. This completely refutes your claim, as Dracon, the original creator of Dragonball Zeta, would have mentioned his game: "Dragonball Zeta" as being ripped off too much if it was A) already in the works, or B) already having been stolen. Secondly, Rae's Zeta was not the first Zeta, thus it could not have been the only Zeta. Also, I found several posts from early 2002 mentioning Zeta... Later portions of the conversation included: "Dracon hasn't finished it yet." "Dracon hasn't hosted it yet." and "You'll have to wait for him to finish it to play it." So, as you can see, Zeta came about in mid-to-late 2002. |
Pagemaster wrote:
If i were to make a game i would like a decent number of people in it like 50, i dont want games like mj and those zeta ripps hoging the gamers and me being left with 7 people. then the best thing is to make your game the best you can so that zeta-based games lose their player-base because yours is so much better. but only *you* have the power to do that. |
Ter13 wrote:
I know for a fact zeta was created after that. I said "christmas month BEFORE school ended" that would be DEcember 2001, not january.if he made that in january that gives the rippers 12 months to start ripping. by the way when i came to byond i was New so i looked at the homepage and thought those were the only games, the only zeta game i saw was Reakwans, VERSION 15. So if your finding posts that have say stuff like that in the early year 2002 maybe thats the same time where the date got messed up. |
Read the History section. Zeta was STARTED in December of 2001, by Rae's list. Also, he did mention that it took several months to make it, and then Raekwon waited for about three months to make his own version. He also said that he got to version 14 and then the game was lost. That puts the timescale for version 14 of Rae's Zeta somewhere around mid-to-late 2002. From rae's own hand, you have read that Dragonball Zeta was released around february-march of 2002, and that it was leaked in april or may of 2002, Rae ALSO said that he waited everal months to make his version of it... Placing his game around July or august of 2002. As you can see, the evidence is more in my favour. |
Apparently that "Makes it a chatroom."
People in forums are "supposed" to make large posts, and get replied to with large posts. Otherwise, it jsut ends up being a short chat. I really don't think that is grounds for deleting, however. As long as there is a decent conversation going on, it doesn't make sense to get rid of it. Oh well, the system will all be fixed soon. |
Ter13 wrote:
http://www.dbzeta.com/ What evidance?,Everything you have is just poor estimation. Even if you said reas version came out in july, that would be wrong cause even my LATE key date says june, and as i said before reas zeta was the main reason i ended up on byond and the first game i played right away. No he got to 15 then it got lost, i think i remember when i joined byond it was snowing outside thats why i wasnt playing outside. HE DID start the game in december and i joined some days before new years. MoNTHS what months? The game was already given to him by dracon by the time i arrived. |
You aren't reading my posts. Dracon started Zeta in December.
You are simply backing up your posts with your own memory, which could be wrong. I am backing up all of my arguments with Forum posts, which were not affected by date changing, and Information from the zeta website itself. Quote from Zeta.com: "Back in December, 2001, Dracon, formally known as Chris, messaged RaeKwon with a proposal. He offered RaeKwon a position in a new hit game he was creating called "DragonBall Zeta!" After a few months of progress, the game was distributed to the public, and turned out to be astonishingly popular. The user base exceeded anything imaginable on BYOND, and changed BYOND forever. About a month after the game was distributed to the public, Migzor, formally known as Brandon, tricked our map maker into giving him the code, he pretended to be a coder for the team, which he was not. Brandon then sold the code to many people throughout BYOND, making a nice sum of money, and ruining Chris' time on BYOND. With all the stress involved with the distribution of the code, Chris bestowed full ownership, and rights, to RaeKwon, also proclaimed here. After quite some time, and all the competition RaeKwon was up against, he decided to re-create the whole Zeta base. A good 3 months went by, and everything was going swell, he got up to version 14 when his computer was crashed and forced him to re-create the game, again. This caused him to get somewhat discouraged, and didn't bother to re-create it for another 3 months. Now, that it's been re-created, almost a year later, the game is back in progress and better than ever! It's because of players like you, that make a difference in the community!" The website itself says version 14, and not 15 as you claim, was the last one. Plus, by the time frame it gives, it is impossible for Zeta Version 14 to have been out any earlier than summer of 2002. So... uh... Don't tell me I don't have any evidence. You are just ignoring it. And if a lot of keys were affected by a wrong date, then why are none of mine off? I remember I got here in june of 2001, and my key reflects that. Plus, most of the arguments about keys being off are by around 2 months, and occurred in 2001. The forum's dates aren't off either. So don't argue that they are. All of the evidence here points to you arriving around the time that your key claims you did, in the summer of 2002. |
Ter13 wrote:
First of all, your key says 2002, and it is correct. Well, actually, I doubt that. Most key dates are wrong. If you want proof of this, look up "Theodis" and "Theodis2"; "Theodis2" is older (Yes, it's the ame person; he("Theodis") was talking about it in Chatters today). Or, of course, you could search the Bugs section: There's a thread about it somewhere in there. |
Yes,yes that beautiful essay is very interesting but how am I ignoreing your posts? READ. Zeta was STARTED in December of 2001, by Rae's list. i dont see dracons name anywhere in there. I responded strictly by what i read. You may be using quotes and arguements from other people but they still arent supporting your main arguement which is that me zeta,dracon,and reakwon did not arrive 4 years ago.
Even if he lost his code at 14. I may have gotten mixed up by the new version 15 but really ment 14, since that is such a minor detail.And even if rea did spend those 3 months you would still be wrong because that would mean i came here in march which would make my key date INCORRECT, unlike what YOU original said. By the way it doesnt matter if your key date is correct and some few peoples dates arent, if they were all uncorrect it would have been noticed by EVERYone and be fixed right away, inst that what a bug is?, its not something so common thats going to happen to everyone and doesnt have to. If i arived here in the summer of 2002 explain to me why the keys fleshyou and blazingdragoon were made a month after mine when i dont even know where they live and only knew them from school?. Even that guy said some guy made a key called theodos1 and theodos2 and that number 2 is older then number 1 even though he made number 2 second.Maybe its YOU that should pay attention to other peoples posts instead, you have already had 3 different people tell you that the time system is not always correct yet you still claim that it is and its i think its sad someone would make an arguement out of a post just because they think 1 detail is 5 months off. |
However, you seem to be looking at the incorrect portion of my argument. The time may be off, I'll give you that, but the forum posts, and Rae's site aren't.
How is Dracon not mentioned in that quote? "Back in December, 2001, Dracon, formally known as..." As a matter of fact, the quote DID mention Dracon. Read it again. You are just further supporting my argument that you aren't reading. Also, you seem to be under the impression that I just quoted some random person. I gave you a link to the website that I got the quote from, but you disregarded it, and then you have seemingly disregarded it again. The only point you have made apparent to me, is you appear to hate reading, can't count right, and have a terrible sense of time. Okay, now then, here's my logic, and it's all quoted from the website. 1: Dracon's Zeta began production in December of 2001. This means, WAS NOT FINISHED. 2: Several months pass, and it is finished. Okay, Dracon is now testing, Raekwon's Zeta isn't even started yet. This puts us at the very earliest, february of 2002. 3: The source is given out, and Raekwon waits for about three months to begin making his game. So by this, Rae began production of HIS Zeta in may or june of 2002. Meaning, it would have taken some time to get to version 14, the last version for about three months. The timescale given to us points that Rae's Zeta reached version 14 around june or july of 2002. Even if your key is off, Raekwon's website claims dates much different than you do... Now, who are you going to trust, the person who made the game, or the person who couldn't remember which version they played? |
Ter13 wrote:
Even if your key is off, Raekwon's website claims dates much different than you do... Now, who are you going to trust, the person who made the game, or the person who couldn't remember which version they played? You have more evidence, but that one is just unfair. Do you remember what version of any given game that you played 2 years ago? |
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
Ter13 wrote: That's irrelevant to his point. |