In response to Ter13
I don't know how anybody can read my net-persona as emotionless. :P I might not have the emotions people want or expect... but that doesn't mean I'm not showing emotions.
In response to Hedgemistress
actually to tell you the truth.. I didnt even read it ^^; I just wanted to put in some mindless inut to add fire to the conversation =O
In response to Flame Sage
That's funny... I hadn't read your reply, either. I was talking to Ter13, about what he had said.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Seems like a lot of people felt really sad when that happened, regardless of the, uh, not-realness of it all... Maybe this is why Sephyroth was considered as one of the most evil final fantasy baddies :P

I hope it was a painful slow one, I despise Finaly Fantasy.

In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
The opening strains of the Star Wars Overture. Though not for the same reason any more... the theme from Legend of Zelda, also... the courtroom breakdown of Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar... the first chorus of O Holy Night... the phrase "Hole in the World" is my biggest trigger right now. I'm crying just now from having typed it. Angel fans will know why.

Again, I bring up A Series of Unfortunate Events. That ought to be a tear-jerker for you, especially the end. :'(

Also FFX and FFX-2 back to back. If that doesn't make you cry for the often-voiced reasons, maybe <font style="font-size: 3pt">the game-long thing of Yuna hiding from her problems while clutching the past</font> may hit you somewhere.
In response to Sarm
I cry at the starting theme of Ocarina... :(
In response to Sarm
It seems to me that Final Fantasy does nothing but make people cry, what the hell is with this?
In response to Sarm
Sarm wrote:

Again, I bring up A Series of Unfortunate Events. That ought to be a tear-jerker for you, especially the end. :'(

That was honestly the most horrible movie I have ever seen. Jim did a terrible job as a villian, he didn't bring any real humor with him to this movie.. Mike Myers should have played that part to atleast mix in some laughter, if I could have gotten my money back for seeing such a terrible film I would have. I entirely recommend against wasteing your money to see it. Wait for it to come on one of your television stations.

Also FFX and FFX-2 back to back. If that doesn't make you cry for the often-voiced reasons, maybe <font style="font-size: 3pt">the game-long thing of Yuna hiding from her problems while clutching the past</font> may hit you somewhere.

*Twitch* I burn Final Fantasy games for fun.

In response to Hedgemistress
But human activity can often swing a long way and have long reaching effects before any andjustment comes. Sometimes the machine falls apart, all right, and drags everything with it. In Election 2004 one party has managed to grab all thee branches of government running on a platform of militarism, safety through diminished rights and moralism- the hallmarks of fascism. Worse, there is evidence that in the oldest modern democratic nation, there may have been widespread corruption, vote manipulation, and disenfranchisment. This alon lead to all out demonstration in Ukraine. But here, it is barely a blip on the radar. The country is being dominated by a radical minority that is funded by a corporatist machine and largely given a pass by the corporatist media (who seem to still be afrid of being called 'liberal' if they bother to tell the truth), yet the populace still believes they have control. Wealth disparity is at an all time high (matching or exceeding the nororious gilded age), political races are more money driven than ever (2004 was the most expensive election cycle in history), and several elections have been reveresed after electronic voting failed (the same electronic voting being touted as the furutre- despite being unreliable, insecure, and owned by heavy Republican supportes). And it is not just 1 party's fault- that's the scary thing. The Democrats have increasingly marginalized their opposition to these corrupt and extreme positions, largely because they are increasingly funded by the same interests.

At one time I was a conservative, when it meant smaller government, and less foriegn interventionism. But it has changed. Now it defines itself largely in opposition to some "liberal" threat while taking on many of the trappings it professes to hate- irresponsible spending, quashing of different values, group-think, intrusive government. I once listened to Rush Limbaugh, before he pledged himself to support this New Agenda unquestioningly and became little more than another barking propaganda agent.

I now find myself in a strange position. Much like the revolutionaries who fought against Spanish and German fascism in the 20s and 30s, I find myself in the presence of those ranging from anarchists and socialists to true conservative democracy supporters like myself. But just as fascism rose with the silent (and not so silent) assent of the white, Protestant middle-class in Germany, I fear we see the same here.

My biggest hope is that I beleieve the autocratic miltarists did not win- they had to cheat and most Americans do not support their agenda. However, if lulled into complacency and accepting a rigged system, that may not matter. After all, the slaves on plantations often outnumbered the masters 10:1 and the number of poor non-slaves combined titlted the numbers even further. Yet change took almost 3 centuries and didn't begin to reach legal parity until 1969- a mere 40 or so years ago! We shall see.....
In response to Texter
True, it definately wasn't something I'd want to watch again for laughs but it wasn't -that- bad if you don't look at it as a comedy.
In response to Texter
Texter wrote:
Sarm wrote:

Again, I bring up A Series of Unfortunate Events. That ought to be a tear-jerker for you, especially the end. :'(

That was honestly the most horrible movie I have ever seen. Jim did a terrible job as a villian, he didn't bring any real humor with him to this movie.. Mike Myers should have played that part to atleast mix in some laughter...

Uh... I thought it was A series of unfortunate events, not a series of comical events. Why should it be funny?
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
Texter wrote:
Sarm wrote:

Again, I bring up A Series of Unfortunate Events. That ought to be a tear-jerker for you, especially the end. :'(

That was honestly the most horrible movie I have ever seen. Jim did a terrible job as a villian, he didn't bring any real humor with him to this movie.. Mike Myers should have played that part to atleast mix in some laughter...

Uh... I thought it was A series of unfortunate events, not a series of comical events. Why should it be funny?

Because by having Jim in it they tried to make it funny but failed miserably.. If you say that they wern't trying to make things comical then they just had Jim do stupid things for no reason at all. The only way that movie could have been improved on is if it was shorter. Plus, when they advertised the movie they didn't advertise it as a Unfortunate movie, but one with comedy. False advertising as far as I am concerned. Don't bother with it Movie and just wait for it to come on television.

In response to Texter
I haven't seen the film, just the trailers.

But the girl in it is seriously hot. If you see her off-stage's like "woooo".
One morning I woke up and found myself in a strange foreign land of madness. But then I discovered it was ruled by nine Santas, so I breathed a sigh of relief. But then I discovered they were EVIL Santas!
In response to Hedgemistress
I was joking, Lexy, don't read into it.
In response to Ter13
I was joking, <DEL>Lexy</DEL> Ter13, don't read into it.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
I was joking, <DEL>Lexy</DEL> Ter13, don't read into it.

Eww. Cap's in HTML brakets.
When I thought about what if I knew september 11th was going to happen tommorrow, but I also knew my arm was going to get chopped off on the same day, that I know I would be more worried about my arm being chopped off.

Likewise when I realized that there are very minimal amounts of people without loose morals, and even less with integrity.

Even more sad when I realized my mom was going to die, and my girlfriend was selfish (I'd dated her for 3 years at the time) and was going to have to break up with her because she was still selfish after she did die (and the process of my mom dying) and I realized she didn't love me due to this situation.

How about the fact that I can see and hear of atrocities all over the world, but don't feel a thing for any of those people, especially the ones on tv.

As well, it was very sad when my dad being mentally handicap from an accident got stolen from by his own family through treachery and deceit. Everyone in my family knows of my dads stupidity, and my sister tricked him into giving her a ton of my moms old possessions from which she ends up acquiring money from those assets without telling any of her siblings and keeping it hush hush due to greed. During the day of my moms funeral, my Uncle and my aunt (who have 2 kids below the age of 10) both stole my dads e-bay password, and ordered a bunch of things on e-bay to be shipped to their house knowing that my dad was too stupid to find out. Another uncle, promised me that he would help me find cheap pieces for my computer (being hes' basically a computer technician) and stole the money I sent him, an uncle I had talked to and respected for a good majority of my life.

Those are some incidents :)
In response to Jon Snow
Stab them?
In response to Smoko
I always use caps in HTML brackets. Why? Very simply: I don't use caps everywhere else, and there's no reason not to make HTML tags as distinct as possible. It sends a definite message: <THIS IS NOT REGULAR TEXT>This is regular text.</THIS IS NOT REGULAR TEXT>

Caps in HTML makes it easier to search, both visually and otherwise, for a specific word fragment either specifically inside or outside of HMTL (searching for an entire HTML tag can be done easily enough, of course.)

I'd ask why wouldn't you use caps... but I know the pat answer is, "It's the standard." I don't consider that a real answer. Why is it the standard? Because it takes marginally less effort to not capitalize it... laziness. :P Capitalized HTML is crisp and readable.
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