Now, I've been thinking about making a game relatively called "Starship Troopers Online". I know what you're thinking, but please allow me to explain before the rantings actually begin:
Starship Troopers Online consists of a galaxy filled with only a handful of massively huge planets (preferably around 500x500). These planets would consist of a galaxy that players will be able to traverse freely using massive ships that can be uniquely customized to your own specifications. Now, me not being a huge fanatic of the show, I really don't know what to call "those planets", so let's just move on ...
STO will consist of many skills that are listed in the movies, such as:
ENGINEERING: The ability to create ship parts, and if you're patient enough, the ability to create your own ship! Also, occasionally some ship parts will go bad, resulting in from minor to catastrophic penalties (such as the light processor being broken, causing the lights to flash out). They can also create necessary tools for other skills, such as mounted lazers and flashlights for guns, or even heatvision goggles, for better vision of the enemy
PILOTING: In order to fly a ship, you're going to need a pilot. Whether it's piloted by yourself, another player, or by an NPC, the better the piloting skill, the bigger and badder ship you can ride.
GUNSMITHING: The ability to create and repair guns! Gunsmithing also grants the ability (in conjunction with the Engineering skill) to create mounted guns on your fortress!
HEALING: The ability to heal yourself or another person in their time of need. Whether it's to cure a venamous poison, or to relieve massive trauma to the chest, a healer is a valuable asset to a group.
ARMORING: The ability to create armor for yourself and others. The armor spots include: head, chest, arms, gloves, legs, and feet.
TAILORING: Like Armoring, but with more versatility and freedom from bulky and clunky armor. However, it can conjuction well with the "underclothing" armor spot. Also, you can create many useful items, like bandages for Healing, etc.
PISTOLS: The ability to fire pistols and handguns. Dual wielding can be eventually learned, making characters hold up to 2 pistols at a time.
EXPLOSIVES: The ability to fire guns that explode on impact.
AUTOMATIC RIFLES: The ability to fire automatics.
RIFLES: The ability to fire powerful rifles.
MELEE: The ability to fight with your bare hands, or to fight with knifes or other items of small structure. Can dual wield.
Eventually while existing one either one of the alien planets, or on Earth, players might consider establishing a fort. A fort basically ranges from a super-small structure with only one building to a castle-like structure. Forts can be decorated with mounted guns, traps and so forwarth. These are often used for clan wars, clan halls, or in some cases, defense against the villainous aliens that populate each planet.
The combat system will be similiar to that of Proelium by SilkWizard and many other games; pressing a simple button to fire at the enemy. Some specialty items that don't necessarily fire in a straight line, such as a sniper rifle, allows you to target an enemy with the cursor. However, such freedom comes at a price ... using a sniper rifle requires you to kneel down and load the gun, and once fired, it comes with a nasty cooldown. Gunsmithers will be able to craft a variety of bullets that have their own ups and downs:
Half-metal bullet: Cheap to create, and often sold in bulk. Fares well against light armored foes, but fails against medium and heavy armored foes.
Full-metal bullet: Excells at medium armored and light armored foes, a little bit more expensive then that of a half-metal bullet.
Piercing bullet: Used to damage heavy armored foes, but doesn't work as well as the cost to use against light armored and medium armored foes. The one and only bullet type for the sniper rifle.
I haven't decided a theory for other guns that don't use bullets, but maybe you can help me out with that.
Player customizability will range from choosing your skin color, your hair type and color, your facial hair type and color, and even if you're left or right handed.
I think I've explained most of my philosphy here, so please tell me what you think, and perhaps give me some constructive criticism to make these ideas even better! If you have a question please post here, and I'll be more then happy to answer it. Kudos to anybody whom read this long, long post.
![]() Dec 29 2004, 9:26 pm (Edited on Dec 30 2004, 12:18 am)
Crispy wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something here, but why make a fangame of something you're not a fan of? =P boredom. i cant stand DBZ, but i'm just that bored. Call it something original, and I guarantee it'll be more popular. i'd agree with going with an original name, but i dont think that would help popularity. good gameplay, now that will help popularity =) |
Crispy wrote:
Maybe I'm missing something here, but why make a fangame of something you're not a fan of? The fact that it's freelance environment could make a terrific online roleplaying game perhaps? There's tons of aliens and mutations in the movies and stuff ... so the question I suppose should be ... why not? =P Call it something original, and I guarantee it'll be more popular. (Plus, if it's not a fan game you're allowed to make money from it if you're so inclined.) From what you've described it has very little resemblance to the movies specifically (okay, so it has aliens and troopers, but so does Star Wars!) so just by changing the name you can magically turn it into your own original concept. ;-) Awww, so it's not even remotely similiar to the movies? *sighs as he pulls out a blank piece of paper and a pen* Back to the drawing board ... |
Asguard wrote:
The fact that it's freelance environment could make a terrific online roleplaying game perhaps? There's tons of aliens and mutations in the movies and stuff ... so the question I suppose should be ... why not? Because it's more impressive if it looks like if you came up with your own setting. =) It's not a big deal, though. Call it whatever you want. Awww, so it's not even remotely similiar to the movies? Well, it has space and guns and aliens, so it's very similar. (I mean, that's all that's in the movies, right? =P) My point is that it's similar to a lot of other things as well. Now, if you modelled the aliens in the game after the ones in the movies, then it would be more of a fan game. Whether that's a good or bad thing is your call. To be honest I've actually only seen one of the movies, so I'm no expert. =) |
To be honest, I think you should go for your "own" game idea where possible.
Even if it's heavily influenced by a particular movie/book/etc., getting bogged down and limited by the restrictions (and lack of money-earning) is definately not fun. |
How about timed explosives like claymores, mines, bombs with trip wires, etc.? There could be some awesome moments if one player sets up a line of claymores and mines while one guy books it down a canyon followed by a herd of aliens and then jumps the bombs and the aliens get blown up. Or for security at bases or basecamps on hostile planets. And then there could be a bomb disarming system or manipulating system.
A starship troopers game would be decent, and you'd get alot of Starcraft fans, as blizzard heavily based the game uon the books.
P.S. Full metal Jacket(full-metal as you called it), are armor piercing bullets, incase you'd make the game. Also FMJbullets have high penetraton ability, but do less damage because unlike lead, they arent made to expand inside the target. |
Nathandx82 wrote:
A starship troopers game would be decent, and you'd get alot of Starcraft fans, as blizzard heavily based the game upon the books. I haven't read the books, but Starcraft isn't very simillar to the movie. There are no Protoss and the humans still live on one planet =b |
P.S. Full metal Jacket(full-metal as you called it), are armor piercing bullets, incase you'd make the game. Also FMJbullets have high penetraton ability, but do less damage because unlike lead, they arent made to expand inside the target. There are actually two schools of thought for AP bullets. The first is FMJ -- the second is a bullet with a solid steel core in a lead sheath, generally referred to with the imaginative name of AP. The lead allows the solid steel bullet to conform to the rifling of the barrel, and the solid steel core barely distends at all on impact, rendering kevlar worse than steel for protection against them. For a game like this, FMJ/AP would be an absolute necessity: bugs have an external skeleton that needs to be penetrated. However, explosive-tipped rounds would also have devastating effect against a bug -- assuming they're fired in bursts, the first opens a hole in the skeleton, and the second bullet enters the hole and then explodes inside. Depending on how many rounds can be launched (the Beretta assault rifles in the movies look pretty damned fast) before the recoil is felt, two or three rounds could make it into that hole -- the Heckler and Koch G11, a modern caseless assault rifle, can put three bullets in a 2-inch circle because it fires so fast the three bullets are out of the end of the barrel before the firer notices the recoil. |
Maybe I'm missing something here, but why make a fangame of something you're not a fan of? =P Call it something original, and I guarantee it'll be more popular. (Plus, if it's not a fan game you're allowed to make money from it if you're so inclined.) From what you've described it has very little resemblance to the movies specifically (okay, so it has aliens and troopers, but so does Star Wars!) so just by changing the name you can magically turn it into your own original concept. ;-)
Sounds cool, if you handle it well. =)
I dunno if I'd call it a philosophy... more like a basic game design plan. =P Are you just calling it a philosophy to live up to the forum name?
It sounds cool though, as long as you can manage to pull it off!