im having a problem with src<< alert(

    RemoveGM_lv_7(mob/M in world) // Remove a GM
M << alert("[src] has just taken away your Admin skills.") //The player gets told that he/she has had their GM Skills removed by the user.
src << alert("You have just taken away [M]s Admin skills.")
thats all i can give right now but it tells the src both things</<>
Its alert(M,"") and alert(src,"")
Alert is a special proc that defaults to usr.

RemoveGM_lv_7(mob/M in world) // Remove a GM
M << alert(M,"[src] has just taken away your Admin skills.") //The player gets told that he/she has had their GM Skills removed by the user.
src << alert(src,"You have just taken away [M]s Admin skills.")

That should work good, but you should put in some check to make sure that they can't remove you or maybe the host or something like that.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
You dont so src << alert() just alert(src,"")
In response to Dession
Whoops, didn't fix that. I just copied and pasted from his.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
there is dont worry