![]() Jan 12 2005, 1:44 pm
In response to Artekia
Sweep another under the bush?
Then what was all that rubbish about renaming French fries to "freedom fries"? (WTF?! I swear I will never buy "freedom fries" if I have a choice in the matter; okay, so it's a petty and small demonstration, but so was changing the name.)
Okay, so that was just a Republican thing, but there seem to be an awful lot of Republican in the US. I think some people need reminding of the good things France has done for the US. And then there was that "French military victories" Googlebomb... well, okay, it was amusing, but completely untrue. |
Strawgate, I'm sorry, but after the email hoax, I don't beleive you anymore. Furthermore, the fact that you've linked us to your family's home page instead of the site where you found it makes me beleive you even less.
its my familys home page because... thats what i use and actually that is real there are those for 7 other contries
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Color-coded_War_Plans During the 1920s, the United States Army developed a number of Color-coded War Plans to outline potential U.S. strategies for a variety of hypothetical war scenarios. All of these plans were officially withdrawn in 1939, in favor of five Rainbow Plans developed to meet the threat of a two ocean war against multiple Axis Powers. The best-known of these plans (although they were secret at the time) is probably War Plan Orange, a plan for war with Japan, which formed some of the basis for the actual campaign against Japan in World War II. War Plan Red, a more hypothetical plan for war against Britain and Canada, caused a stir in American-Canadian relations when declassified in 1974. |
By the way. What wrong turn did we take when we started rating how good a country was on account of their military record?
JordanUl wrote:
By the way. What wrong turn did we take when we started rating how good a country was on account of their military record? When a bunch of states decided they should get unite-... Okay, yeah yeah. It's just showing off, the playground pecking order. But with nukes. |
Elation wrote:
Yeah, remember that France also helped *you* guys get liberated by us... Perhaps I totally overlooked the period of time when Canada needed to be liberated from anyone. Oh, wait. It never happened. It is true that Britain took the french Territory of Quebec, and that its caused a great deal of friction over the years(more provinces should be as vocal as Quebec). It is true that Britain and the USA fought a little war over Canada(part of the british empire at the time) using a lot of Canadian soldiers. Since nobody has had to hide any cigars in interns in Canada, and since George Bush was visiting a foreign country when he last came to Ottawa, I'd say, just maybe, maybe America lost that one. http://www.gatewayno.com/history/War1812.html |
I think some people need reminding of the good things France has done for the US. They helped us defeat Cornwallis, and they gave us the Statue of Liberty. And after 9/11, some French guy said "We are all Americans now", a charming sentiment that lasted at least a couple days. Also, they gave us Brigitte Bardot, or was she Belgian or something? That about sums it up, I guess. There's nothing especially mysterious about the American distaste for the French. To Americans, the French represent the Dark Path of Western Civilization. They had their revolution right around the time we did -- though a revolution of a very different flavor than our own -- so historically speaking, France is our evil twin (or our good twin, if you prefer). It is, short of outright Marxist materialism, about as philosophically different from America as it's possible for a Western nation to get. And if current trends are any predictor, in another few decades France won't even be a Western nation any more, but a part of the House of Islam, even it never suffers a terrorist attack; because the French citizenry doesn't have enough of an interest in France's future to maintain a replacement population rate, let alone actually to take up its nonexistent arms in defense of the nation, while the vast Arabic population they imported to do all the declasse' jobs in the 1970's continues to grow inexorably. (Having a large Arabic population is, of course, not a bad thing in itself. Having a large Arabic population that has completely failed to assimilate into the national culture, that lives in poverty rivalling or surpassing the most blighted American inner city, and that appears increasingly susceptible to the lures of Islamic fundamentalism, is a different deal.) In short, Americans tend to feel a little queasy when they look to France, because in it they see the latest incarnation of every once-great nation that has declined into a long period of navel-gazing and waiting for the end of the line, all the while plaintively insisting on its moral superiority to the rivals that have kept chugging along. That's one way to look at it, anyway. But I could be all wrong. Maybe Americans are just jealous of French cooking. Who knows? |
Oh, come back, proud Canadians
To before you had TV, No hockey night in Canada, There was no CBC (Oh, my God!). In 1812, Madison was mad, He was the president, you know He thought he’d tell the British where they ought to go He thought he’d invade Canada, He thought that he was tough Instead we went to Washington.... And burned down all his stuff! And the White House burned, burned, burned, And we’re the one’s that did it! It burned, burned, burned, While the president ran and cried. It burned, burned, burned, And things were very historical. And the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies Waa waa waah! In the War of 1812! Us hillbillies from Kentucky, Dressed in green and red, Left home to fight in Canada, But they returned home dead It’s the only war the Yankees lost, except for Vietnam And also the Alamo... and the Bay of... ham. The loser was America, The winner was ourselves, So join right in and gloat about the War of 1812 And the White House burned, burned, burned, And we’re the one’s that did it! It burned, burned, burned, While the president ran and cried. It burned, burned, burned, And things were very historical. And the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies Waa waa waah! In the War of 1812! In 1812, we were just sittin’ around, Mindin’ our own business, puttin’ crops into the ground. We heard the soldiers coming and we didn’t like that sound. So we took a boat to Washington and burned it to the ground. Oh... we... fired our guns, but the Yankees kept-a coming, There wasn’t quite as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more and the Yankees started running, Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico, oh, oh.... They ran through the snow and they ran through the forest, They ran through the bushes where the beavers wouldn’t go. They ran so fast, they forgot to take their culture, Back to America, and Gulf and Texaco So, if you go to Washington, its buildings clean and nice, Bring a pack of matches, and we’ll burn the White House twice! And the White House burned, burned, burned, But the Americans won’t admit it It burned, burned, burned, It burned and burned and burned It burned, burned, burned, Now, I bet that made them mad And the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies Waa waa waah! In the War of 1812 |
That's an interesting take on it. Thanks for the analysis. =)
That's one way to look at it, anyway. But I could be all wrong. Maybe Americans are just jealous of French cooking. Who knows? That must be it. ;-) |
Strawgate wrote:
This page was last modified 22:10, 20 Nov 2004. Actually, the "5" was a typo (should have been a "4"). When I said "I'll have to believe you", I was being serious. =) |
We all know this country is corrupt, and Evil, what else Is new.After all how can a people move here wanting freedom,and yet they commit genicide and enslave whole races. You see this country became Evil when the pilgrims came.
Yay for ignorance of world history!
Slave trade was nothing new when the american colonies were created, and the cheap labor gave the colonies the ability to produce a great deal of goods which they sold all over europe, helping not only to revive hurting economies, but ease the over crowding of european countries by offering a start in a new world which offered a much better life than most would've had otherwise Even with slavery being mostly cenetered around using africans, those people had been enslaving each other for hundreds of years in tribal wars, with europe and america being new sources of income for the victors. Even with hard actions towards native americans hundreds of years ago, it's nothing compared to countless wars, ranging for the most obvious(ww2) to less well-known ones (teutonic knight campaigns to Russia and other lands, Mongol invasions, china/japan wars..etc). Odds are you're being sarcastic, but I've heard too many liberals in the past 6 months talk the same way. |