Is there a way to make a new content, I tried making a var and adding objects to it but it doens't let me use the objects verbs, please help if you know how to do this.
You mean a var like contents?
Easy, contents is just a list, so just make a new list. :)
var/list/q = list()
//Ssoo many other ways
In response to Hell Ramen
How would you show a list in a Statpanel.


Also how would you add the obj to the list.

Meh I've never had much experience with lists.
In response to WickedlyAndy
I don't think you need brackets.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Don't but i use them, Helps me see better
for(var/O in src.spells)
In response to Dession
Meh, Makes the spell statpanel say /list in it. And the items wont' add to it.
In response to WickedlyAndy
Is anything in the list..
In response to Dession
Trying to add something to it but isn't working to well. Lol I've never worked with list before.
In response to WickedlyAndy
Use .Add and .Remove. :p
OR (I think it works like contents), if it's get a verb and related to the item, do src.Move(usr.q).
Also, just do stat(q).
Or you can do this
mob/var/list/q=newlist()//Notice newlist?
name = "Q"

set name = "Gimme' my Q!"
In response to Hell Ramen
mob/var/list/Skills = list("Tailoring"=0,"Weaponry"=0,"Oddity"=43)