Same here. Plus, you have to stand in the "slow" line at lunch if you don't have your card ;)
Same here O_o.
In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
Same here. Plus, you have to stand in the "slow" line at lunch if you don't have your card ;) Same here O_o. |
In response to Gazoot
Gazoot wrote:
If you like, I recommend that you read more about Gandhi and Martin Luther King to learn more about non-violence and how to use it. Good luck! On a side note, the movie, "Gandhi", is a really, really great movie. It's pretty true-to-fact, so if you're interested in learning about Gandhi, then watch it! |
If you decide not to bring your ID and they punish you, say your school is being racist :P
In response to Gazoot
Gazoot wrote:
Any proper civil disobedience action posts its reasons and demands for authorities to see before the event starts. If the documents are signed "Students of School XYZ", it should be clear that this is something more than one person is ready to stand up for. (Just be sure that really is true!) I meant they ask who's idea was this in the first place. Getting told on and punished is a part of non-violence. The point is to take the punishment, get the sympathy of others, and tell the authorities "you can do whatever you want to us, but really sorry, we won't follow your rules because we don't like it." True but in reality, this does not happen. The reason most people sign up is to be either part of something, peer pressure or just for fun. People hardly ever sign up because they have really strong feelings against a policy. Incorrect, there will always be someone that forgets the ID for one stupid reason or another. That's not factual. |
In response to DeathAwaitsU
DeathAwaitsU wrote:
Gazoot wrote: No, but it's probable. |
In response to DeathAwaitsU
DeathAwaitsU wrote:
Getting told on and punished is a part of non-violence. The point is to take the punishment, get the sympathy of others, and tell the authorities "you can do whatever you want to us, but really sorry, we won't follow your rules because we don't like it." Does too. Haven't you ever heard of Gandhi? Martin Luther King Jr.? Incorrect, there will always be someone that forgets the ID for one stupid reason or another. Yes it is. Nobody is perfect (except for me). |
In response to Gazoot
Gazoot wrote:
Shades wrote: Then you need to tell me how this is supposed to sound to me: Meh, I have to do something to keep my self entertained. Last semester I bombarded all of the lockers, fire alarms, mirrors, bathrooms, stairs, doors, windows, EVERYTHING with various stickers from Mickey D's (where I work, I jacked them). A few weeks ago it was street magic. And now its this thing. This isnt a joke, and it needs to be taken serioulsy or not at all, and to me it dosent sound like he is. |
In response to Jermman
Jermman wrote:
If you decide not to bring your ID and they punish you, say your school is being racist :P Al Sharpton himself would laugh at someone who would make such an accusation. :P |
In response to SSJ Radditz
SSJ Radditz wrote:
Now we just have to have them with us. If we don't have them, we're forced to go to the back of the lunch line, until the students with their ID have gotten their lunch. We don't get in any type of trouble for not having them, it just makes life a lot easier to have them. What's the big deal anyways? It's only a little chunk of plastic with my sexy picture on it. My school uses them like any other form of ID. We can use them to get concession rates for buses and stuff, they're our school library cards, and we have to show them for anything that's considered sensitive information. It's really no big deal. The other day, I lost my wallet. =( It was really annoying, but the lack of my school ID didn't do much harm. The school librarians just had to enter me into the system manually (we were borrowing textbooks, so the class teachers were there to verify that I was who I said I was =)). That's how school IDs should be used, in my opinion. Nice and laidback. I think it's silly to require them for the school canteen, too; as long as they pay for the food, who cares if they're really from the school or not? |
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
SSJ Radditz wrote: I worked in the stock room for 4 years at my local high school. The thing is, is that they dont get normal stock trucks to stock their inventory, but these special goverment trucks that give then discounts based on if you are a school or not and how much you order. It could be that they do not what others taking advantage of the discout. Like in the canteen, you can get some candy and stuff that is actually cheaper then what youd get in Kmart. Also, believe it or not, but they will also use schools to test new foods out, and if it works out well out at schools, THEN its avaible to the mass public. Example: Those Smilie Tatertots, which is nothing but blended and compressed potatoes, where tested at high schools first. They tasted awesome and we suddenly got a demand for those instead of the norm, now you can find them in normal gerocery stores. |
In response to Shades
Maybe in some places - the school canteens I've seen in Australia are usually more expensive than normal shops, not the other way around. (Because of that, I usually take a packed lunch. It's about 20 times cheaper. =))
I guess having to carry IDs around with you is the price you pay for getting cheaper canteen food! Though canteen food is rarely healthy (unless you happen to like wilted lettuce), so that may not be a good thing after all... =D |
In response to Crispy
Okay, I just picked crispy's post because it was the last one out of a LOT of posts, so that out of the way here we go.
Parents are your best ally here. My friend's mom has the principle of the local shcool terrified of her.(I'd be terrified of this lady too if she were mad at me.) Stick to your guns and dont back down no matter the cost. Because if you back down here then the schools will know that they can do that and worse to all the generations to come. Remember you don't just do this for yourself, and though I do believe you might just be doing this to be a thorn in the administrations foot. I do agree with the idea in general, I just wish that your reasons were a little different. Id's in general are a good thing, but the group punishment is inherently wrong in this instance. However in the example of the book where no one confesses it is the most reasonable method for results and I have to agree with it in that instance. Back years ago before I dropped out of school 2 times (generally a bad idea) the shcool I was going to had just implemented Id's I came back to that school a few years larer and they had begin to require that you had them desplayed at all times. So even if things start out small and innocent they can get out of hand if not kept in check. Also you cant just leave school and not expect consiquences from your actions. My sister cost my mother 500 dollars a day for 21 days because she decided that she didnt want to go. I was able to leave legitmatly though and there were no monitary penalties, however there are plenty of sociatal penalties. I can't get a decent job without an inside connection, I have to go and get a Ged. No colleges will have me until I have proof that Im highschool equivalent. And I am a genius (not ego here, I really did score higher than genius on a naval iq test). And when i took my asvab (armed servise vocation aptitude battery) they decided they wanted me to work on the necular reactors that power submarriens (I never pretendid I could spell though ;p) That being said school does not work for everyone. But education does. It was the institution I could not handle not the knowledge. And now I pay in spades for my pride. However the ranks of dropouts include many high profile people. Most notable of them patric stuart, thats right picard quit school and still got a starship command. ;p Edit I almost forgot. My memory has never been great I forget things all the time. I even for got this. So whats to say that there are not others like me with equally crapy memories who dont forget their id's. I rarely remembered mine 3 out of 5 days a week. /Edit All in all Non-violence will win out in the end if the people are willing to sacrifce for thier goals. You have my support. Good luck. |
Sariat wrote:
Well our school had this bright idea that if ONE person in a whole class didn't have an ID, they would send the whole class to in house suspension. Which sucks becuase you have to write sentences. So I thought, hey, what the heck, why not protest it. So I started handing out flyers that said: > Fri. Feb 4th, 2005 And man it was the talk of the school. I think at the most I can get around 200 of the 950 kids at my school to do it. But some of the teachers found some of those fliers and supposedly they were pointing me out. But they can't punish me for anything becuase one, they have no proof that I passed out the fliers. And two, what are they going to write me up for? "Exercising his political freedom" ??? I'll let y'all know how it goes. Any ideas or suggestions? You dont have political freedom if your a minor. You dont work under the bill of rights until the age of 18. |
In response to Erbon
Erbon wrote:
You dont have political freedom if your a minor. You dont work under the bill of rights until the age of 18. index.cgi?action=message_read&id=327041&forum=7&view=0#32679 5 You DO have the rights guaranteed under the Constitution. |
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
Then you need to tell me how this is supposed to sound to me: I don't understand what this has to do with the current discussion. /Gazoot |
In response to Wizkidd0123
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
On a side note, the movie, "Gandhi", is a really, really great movie. It's pretty true-to-fact, so if you're interested in learning about Gandhi, then watch it! Yeah, it's a very nice and interesting movie. Gandhi is a proof that one person can change the world. Nice to know. :) Wish there was a way to make an interesting game about non-violence, but how to do it...? /Gazoot |
In response to Gazoot
Gazoot wrote:
Shades wrote: If you cannot see the difference between non-violent protesting against collective punishment and pissing people off, there is no point in further discussions. My point was, from my point of view, it dosent seem like he is taking his cause serioulsy, that he is just doing it to cause trouble and nothing else. |
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
My point was, from my point of view, it dosent seem like he is taking his cause serioulsy, that he is just doing it to cause trouble and nothing else. So you are defending the school's stance on collective punishment because Sariat is causing trouble for his school? O.o Maybe you should have just replied to Sariat saying something about him generally causing trouble, instead of arguing for collective punishment if that's what you wanted to say. =P |
Hate to go offtopic, but here I am: