Since my idea for the last MMORPG got many problems showed to me, i tried and tried to think of a new idea. And then i sat down to read a book before bed and wham. The next greatest MMORPG would be based on the books. For those who havn't read the books. Your gonna get kinda bored thru the first one. But heres the idea.

The game is split into 5 classes:

One power users: (Asha'man, Aes Sedai) They will have the one power (but for simpler sakes of this post, well call it magic.) Much like any other wizard in any game, except unlike most MMORPGs on byond, they can shield (stop others wizards from using magic) And teleport as new spells for wizards. (Be called wizards for Post reasons) Also they will have the basic spells like fire,thunder. They will have standered HP but then will need to train up there magic stanima (how much they can use the one power, like ki in DBZ games).

Wolf Masters: (Perrin) They will have decent attack, and be able to have wolf pets to help them attack.

White cloaks:(children of the light) Will have Good attack, have healing points and safe areas numourus around the map, but main purpose is to kill Asha'man and Aes Sedai. (Kinda like a guild houses)

Ael Man: The strongest attackers in the game. With Safe buildings in the Blight.(dessert)

Warriors (matrim (mat) Cauthon) They will be another set of fighters. The one power does not affect them.

These are the five classes, everyone has something special about them.

Monsters: There are only five types of monsters in the game, they will drop items. But some players might choose to join the darkside. (a choice they make during making a character, no one will know what they choose) The monsters are:

DARK FRIENDS: Basic monsters. (evil humans)
TROLLOCS: The next basic monsters.
MYRDDRAAL: Powerful warriors.
FORSAKEN: There are 13 forsaken, they use the one power, and they are extremly powerful.
THE DARK ONE: The strongest enemy in the game. Only one.

Training: The training will take part with killing monsters and training devices such as sparring and Sparring with dummies. Growing levels will be hard.

Towns: Towns are places to buy Swords, Armor, Potions, etc. Healing Points for all classes. Some towns disable the use of the one power.

So this is the basic idea of this game. What do you think?
Any ideas? comments? suggestions?

If the game sounds good, i will get a team together and make it.
"The next greatest MMORPG would be based on the books. " <-- Perhaps in THEORY and in YOUR HEAD it's the "next greatest", but hell I bet it won't be in many others' heads.
In response to Crashed
Crashed wrote:
"The next greatest MMORPG would be based on the books. " <-- Perhaps in THEORY and in YOUR HEAD it's the "next greatest", but hell I bet it won't be in many others' heads.

Crash....who said that?

And im asking if the game sounded good, not if the books were good lol. (no offense to anyone) so im taking it as its to long to read, or no one really cares about it which means its a bad idea.
In response to BlackPheonix
BlackPheonix wrote:
or no one really cares about it which means its a bad idea.

It is not that it is a bad idea, it is the fact that it is based upon every other RPG on BYOND. I did not see anything different at all except for different title names for characters that do the samethings as Warriors, Wizards, ETC.. Try to come up with an RPG that no other BYOND game has thought of yet. I, and the rest of BYOND love originality.
Only one impression comes to mind: Same old thing.

But hey, everyone plays the other ones, so, whatever suits you I guess.
You obviously enjoyed reading the Wheel of Time series, which is great! However, unless you somehow get the author's permission, then the finished product will be a copyright violation. Contrary to what is often said, imitiation is not the best form of flattery. In fact, it isn't flattery at all. If you enjoy Robert Jordan's series, then don't steal it!
In response to Wizkidd0123
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
You obviously enjoyed reading the Wheel of Time series, which is great! However, unless you somehow get the author's permission, then the finished product will be a copyright violation. Contrary to what is often said, imitiation is not the best form of flattery. In fact, it isn't flattery at all. If you enjoy Robert Jordan's series, then don't steal it!

I've always found that the greatest way to pay homage to a masterful work of art is to use elements of that work in your own unique work.

For instance, one of my games is definitely inspired by X-COM, but has absolutely nothing actually from X-COM except the element (teehee) of "Elerium", which has its roots in UFO conspiracy theories for generations and is thus (roughly) within the public domain (look up 'Ununpentium').
In response to GokuDBZ3128
Good News for anyone who reads this, After pondering on your suggestions, iv came up with new classes not on any byond RPG game iv played yet (which is saying something) but if anyone has any idea for charcter classes, post it, would help us greatly.
Yea get the game book and base it off of that or you can buy it from me 20 bucks 50% off ifya want. I've played itsa blast but about a billion formulas to calculate things.
There are two types of people who would play this.

1.) People who have never read that series before. They will be hard pressed to play a game based upon a series of books that they know nothing about.

2.) People who have read the books before. In most cases, they'll be extremely critical of your game because it doesn't meet their expectations. If it isn't exactly true to the series or has any flaws, this group will drive you insane with complaints.

If you want to make an online RPG, then I suggest creating your own world. You'll be much happier with it in the end, trust me.