In response to Trunks0577
Shut up i only believed the show because its called the "history" channel

Stuff that happens in 2012 is not history :P.
In response to Strawgate
Strawgate wrote:
The truth about the bible secret messages....

I built a time machine, using that I went into the past about 6000 years ago. I pulled out a whip and forced people to think I was god, priests came and warshipped me.

They warshipped you? Alright! That's almost as cool as giantrobotting you!

Don't be affended, I am an atheist.

I'm not offended by people that have been transfigured into war ships 6000 years ago, because I mean, that's just cool!

In response to Strawgate
woohoo. It's time someone besides me said God wasn't real where a few thousand people could find out you don't believ in him.
In response to Jamesburrow
What the crap? Please re-phrase that, man... I mean, I threw-up my alphabet cereal and it made more sense than that!

In response to Jamesburrow
James, you're a Christian! ...A pagan christian!
In response to Jamesburrow
I think it is time for you to take a break...a very long break from posting. You write the worst posts that I have ever seen on BYOND.
In response to Elation
A Pagan Christian? That's like chocolate with cheese - It doesn't taste good!

Therefore I conclude that Pagan Christians do not taste good.

In response to Kujila
Or how about their religion is an oxymoron?
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Well they still don't taste good! :P

In response to Kujila
Just believe what you wanna belive. If we all die in 2012, just live your 7 years to the fullest. I dont really believe that crap cuz hey, we survived the "Y2K bug".
In response to JordanUl
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In response to Trunks0577
Second best post ever?

FOX has never lied to you either.
In response to Kujila
He didn't mean it like that and you know it. He meant it like this.
In response to JordanUl
Ohhh... ok my bad, I totally misunderstood! XD

In response to Kujila
Oh man, thank you. I've always loved that picture :P
In response to Jermman
Well, he said there WAS a pattern to it... Though, how on earth could they have known better than nostrodomis's predictions, where people would get "Planes hit two towers" from "2 thousand years after christ, 2 great god will die", and they are saying it said stuff like "Arabian planes hit buildings." How the hell did these people know what a plane was?? And isn't 2012 the year that Quetzelquatal or whatever devours the earth in Mayan/Incan/whatever myth? I thought the christians thought those south americans were BS :P Besides, why the hell would they hide it in every 10th letter or so in the book... The bible was made to show people the way to being good people, and it was written probaably by some guy with a big beard who was part of the christain church.
In response to Strawgate
Why do you guys give "oh, I'm an athiest" as an excuse to bash people's religion? Your claims are just as boned as hardcore religious claims, so how does being an athiest add any weight to your argument?

You know what I dislike about Atheism? Atheists. :P
In response to Kujila
Kujila, I love you.
In response to Jermman
Stop lying! They do exist! There is a town called Springfield full of yellow people! The truth will prevail!
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