Copyright © 0jjl Dantom International. All rights reserved.
Eqac, ofcdc'e b7 htz9cr?

This gave me a bit of a laugh. I thought April fools was over at 12 pm. But we all dont live in the same contenent.
You crazy European ^_______________^

Compile this with dreammaker and run all the random text through it.

mob/verb/Encode(text as text)
usr << AirMapTransEnc(text)

mob/verb/Decode(text as text)
usr << AirMapTransDec(text)

var/list/charlist = list()
var/list/charlist2 = list()
charlist.Add(copytext(thetext, 1, 2))
thetext = copytext(thetext, 2)
for(var/i in charlist)
for(var/i in charlist2)
newtext = "[newtext][i]"
return newtext

return biglist[thechar]
return thechar

var/list/charlist = list()
var/list/charlist2 = list()
charlist.Add(copytext(thetext, 1, 2))
thetext = copytext(thetext, 2)
for(var/i in charlist)
for(var/i in charlist2)
newtext = "[newtext][i]"
return newtext

return biglist2[thechar]
return thechar

var/list/biglist = list("I"="S", "8"="o", "b"="m", "c"="e", "r"="t", \
"f"="h","g"="i","9"="n","w"="g","e"="s","z"="a","d"="r", "c"="e", \
"Y"="C","u"="k","h"="p","t"="l","o"="w","C"="O","Z"="A","X"="F", \
"O"="W","H"="R","P"="V","a"="d","g"="i","e"="s","r"="t","o"="w", \
"n"="x","t"="l","i"="3","f"="h","y"="c","d"="r","E"="D","s"="q", \


biglist2 = list()
for(var/i in biglist)
biglist2 += list(biglist[i] = i)
In response to Smoko
At least give credit where it's due, Smoko! (Jon88 made that)
In response to Smoko
Doesn't work. The whole cipher-thing is wrong.
In response to EGUY
EGUY wrote:
Doesn't work. The whole cipher-thing is wrong.

It works. We've been using it for the past 8 or so hours in Chatters. =P
In response to Wizkidd0123
I was using it backwards. X_X
In response to Kujila
It doesn't seem to work on the big stuff. That is RC5 encryption. I've seen Air Mapster (Mike?) talking about it on the forums when I searched for RC5(coming from 'HYl' message).
In response to Smoko
whats this

7C496524 D9E40BF8 34EACC9B C4B26013 0002
In response to EGUY
Wha.... why did you reply to my post with this stuff?

In response to Strawgate
Sometimes this decryptor doesn't work right:
about -> zb8qr -> amout
In response to Strawgate
Well, from the looks of it that is a series of letters and numbers.

In response to Kujila
Its a part of the thing, when you start up dreem seeker I got that.
In response to EGUY
EGUY wrote:
I was using it backwards. X_X

Not your fault. I had programmed it backwards. :P I suppose only Mike H. can say which is encoding and which is decoding though.
In response to Smoko
I have found two things that do not work on that...

They may just be jibberish though to throw us off though =P

I found 7 things "wrong" with the site yay
In response to Cowdude
just got a system messege...
ij az7e z9a y8q9rg9w.
translates to
30 days and counting.
byond 3.5? or maybe byond 4.0?