In a game you set usr limits and that also limits you as a usr. How do you make it to where you can do anything you want. Ex: In Seika a usr cant walk on water but the creator (Aaiko) can. How do i set limits to players but not to me?

Thanks for the help (in advance)
It's simple. You either make a special type of mob that the rules don't apply to, or you just create an if clause.

To check if you are the creator:

//what you want it to do...

As for walking on water, that's a tougher problem. Let's say, however, you want to walk through walls, just set the creator's density to 0 and you will be able to walk through anything.
icon = 'water.dmi'
if(usr.key in admins)
return 1
return 0

var/admins = list("[yourkeyhere]")
In response to XxDragonFlarexX
DM tags, Dragon.
In response to Ter13
Ungh, Don't put usr in Enter().

In response to Jiskuha
Agreed; Dragon, you generally do things like this. I appreciate your enthusiasm to help people, but if you are going to give them harmful advice, you aren't helping at all. Learn to actually program a bit better and then try helping people out.

Nine times out of ten you end up offering advice that isn't relevant, or has something extremely wrong with it. My and other common helpers' advice is almost always relevant, and is as close to correct more often than not.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Agreed; Dragon, you generally do things like this. I appreciate your enthusiasm to help people, but if you are going to give them harmful advice, you aren't helping at all. Learn to actually program a bit better and then try helping people out.

Nine times out of ten you end up offering advice that isn't relevant, or has something extremely wrong with it. My and other common helpers' advice is almost always relevant, and is as close to correct more often than not.

Well, he was closer to the solution then what you suggested. His only flaw was that he didn't provide an argument & substituted it with "usr".

As for walking on water, that's a tougher problem. Let's say, however, you want to walk through walls, just set the creator's density to 0 and you will be able to walk through anything.
In response to Teh Governator
Yes, of course its difficult otherwise I wouldn't have asked. Thanks alot for the help guys, and please no aurgument he was just tyring to help.
In response to Teh Governator
Actually, my suggestion was about as helpful as he could have expected to receive. Not all people universally program their water the same. Some people just make water dense, so water is essentially a wall. My suggestion would well have worked for that.

And for another thing, the question was so simple he really didn't need to ask it. I've seen these questions all the time, and they irritate the hell out of me. All these people are asking is: "Can you give me...?", but they are phrasing it like "How do I do this?" I explain how, they get pissy and ask for code. They don't want to figure it out for themselves. I GAVE him what he needed, he just needs to figure out where he has to put it.
In response to Ter13
Oops >.> Thought I used them...
In response to XxDragonFlarexX
I wasn't getting pissy and I appreciate the help, I also figured out where to put it. I realize that im new and I know that people get tired of newbies asking questions but I needed help so I came to the Forum. Thanks anyways
In response to HoBoChild
You replied to the wrong post.

I wasn't accusing you, but others are quite guilty of not being satisfied with being told HOW rather than shown how.
In response to Ter13
O sorry, I didn't realize.