Wolf01 wrote:
I did all this on Debain 3: Sergeant Woody, and used lynx, so the commands may be a little different.

Install Lynx to your Linux OS and

Login to your Linux machine (I use Putty, found here.), and download from (If using Debian, the command would be

Unzip it by using the command:


Wait for the list to stop. then, Change to the byond directory [I also call directory as dir):

cd byond

Now, type:


Choose on of the 2 options and follow the rest of the procedures that it tells you. Once it doesn't tell you to do anything more, change to the bin dir:

cd bin

And run DreamMaker (you will probably get errors for not finding library files).

To test DreamMaker, type


If it won't work correctly, do the following between the lines:

If you get library errors, I have a file that is hard to find that will work on Debian -

Download that and copy it to your lib directory. To download it correctly, do the following [you should be in the bin directory when doing this]:

cd ..
cd ..
cd ..

Now, you should be before your root directory. Download the above file and then send it to your lib directory and type this:

cp /lib

Now, go to the root directory, then byond, then bin, then test DreamMaker again. If you still have errors, locate the file missing and cp it to the /lib directory [FROM NOW ON, STAY IN THE BIN DIR!!!].

That's all you have to do to install byond on your Linux Shell.


When i get this to part

If you get library errors, I have a file that is hard to find that will work on Debian -

Download that and copy it to your lib directory. To download it correctly, do the following [you should be in the bin directory when doing this]:

i get an page cannot be displayed error

what should i do now?

i need that any where else i can get it from?

It has all your answers, because its your friend. A very good friend
In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote:

It has all your answers, because its your friend. A very good friend

Smoko what am i suppose to do i need that file but i cant get it so wtf am i suppose to do?
In response to Govegtos
Google. Or, I think on one of my old threads I think Mike H might of put a link to it hosted on the BYOND site. I might be wrong though >.> but it is worth a shot. I'll search.


[link] There you go.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
Google. Or, I think on one of my old threads I think Mike H might of put a link to it hosted on the BYOND site. I might be wrong though >.> but it is worth a shot. I'll search.


[link] There you go.

Thanks it still up thanks all whom helped now i can setup my server :)