I did all this on Debain 3: Sergeant Woody, and used lynx, so the commands may be a little different.
Install Lynx to your Linux OS and
Login to your Linux machine (I use Putty, found here.), and download byond_linux.zip from http://developer.byond.com/download/byond_linux.zip (If using Debian, the command would be
lynx http://developer.byond.com/download/byond_linux.zip
Unzip it by using the command:
unzip byond_linux.zip
Wait for the list to stop. then, Change to the byond directory [I also call directory as dir):
cd byond
Now, type:
Choose on of the 2 options and follow the rest of the procedures that it tells you. Once it doesn't tell you to do anything more, change to the bin dir:
cd bin
And run DreamMaker (you will probably get errors for not finding library files).
To test DreamMaker, type
If it won't work correctly, do the following between the lines:
If you get library errors, I have a file that is hard to find that will work on Debian - http://www.terranwolf.com/BYOND/libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3
Download that and copy it to your lib directory. To download it correctly, do the following [you should be in the bin directory when doing this]:
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
Now, you should be before your root directory. Download the above file and then send it to your lib directory and type this:
cp libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 /lib
Now, go to the root directory, then byond, then bin, then test DreamMaker again. If you still have errors, locate the file missing and cp it to the /lib directory [FROM NOW ON, STAY IN THE BIN DIR!!!].
That's all you have to do to install byond on your Linux Shell.
When i get this to part
If you get library errors, I have a file that is hard to find that will work on Debian - http://www.terranwolf.com/BYOND/libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3
Download that and copy it to your lib directory. To download it correctly, do the following [you should be in the bin directory when doing this]:
i get an page cannot be displayed error
what should i do now?
i need that any where else i can get it from?
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