is there a way to turn it off when people log in?

cause it looks better with info off.. on my game
what you mean by turn off info? be more specific
In response to Odine
Yes... just when a mob logs in. dont make it tell the world that they done so o.O

your mob login code atm must look something like this
world << "[usr] has joined the game."

well... atleast that part or something like it is somewhere in your login proc. instead just make it look like this

now it wont tell the world that a new mob has logged in
In response to Odine
Odine,stop.Now. You're giving horrid advice that doesn't even concern the person's question!

You could use client.show_verb_panel, set it to 0, and make sure the mob's logged in for the Stat() proc.
In response to Hell Ramen
oops misread... thought he said is there a way to turn off the login message for when a person logs in o.O i read through it real fast. o well there is the way of doing that if you need to
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
Odine,stop.Now. You're giving horrid advice that doesn't even concern the person's question!

You could use client.show_verb_panel, set it to 0, and make sure the mob's logged in for the Stat() proc.

The advice is perfectly valid, and the original post would indicate that Odine's advice is exactly what was needed.
In response to Polatrite
Polatrite wrote:
The advice is perfectly valid, and the original post would indicate that Odine's advice is exactly what was needed.

No it wouldn't. Only if you don't know what you are talking about, which you must not. The tabs are labeled as 'info'. That is the name they have in DS. The only way you would think that the post "indicated that Odine's advice is exactly what was needed" is if you haven't a clue what you are talking about.

Anyways summing it up. In this case, you are wrong.

In response to Ryne Rekab
Na hell ramen is right. i just missread what was said and gave the wrong info. luckly hell ramen saw that and fixed my error thats all.