My game is loading up with a Black screen and won't show the monster icons even with the coding being right what shall I do?
Does this game happen to be zipped up? If not, did you design the map?
In response to CaptFalcon33035
There is a map designed and it is not zipped up and it still Black Screens
There are several things that can cause a black screen. The most obvious and common of which is that you are not on the map. If your loc variable equals null, you will see nothing.

Run some tests to see if that is the case, and then try to find what in the code might do that. My guess is that you either do not locate the new mob at all or you do so into a tile already occupied by a dense object.
In response to Loduwijk
I looked through the coding and it all seems right there is no dense obj where the player should start or anything the only thing there is the map that I made and when I teleport to 1,1,1 with my teleport command under my gm values it takes me there I have no idea still why it is doing that when the loc. is set for 1,1,1 after while and after the character is created
In response to ForsakenSoul
In your login proc, make sure you have ..() in it. Basically your mob isn't logging in. I think that is what you mean, i'm not to sure =P.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
He does not need that if he sets the mob's loc himself. Login's default action is like the following.
for(var/turf/T in block(locate(1,1,1),locate(world.maxx,world.maxy,world.maxz)))

That is all the default Login does.
In response to ForsakenSoul
If you are using ..(), make sure you have it before any manual loc changes and not after.