Okay, people spam you by constantly trying to log into your server when they are pagerbanned. It's friggin' riddiculous. I pagerbanned Hikato because he just plain can't control himself, and he sat there and has been spamming my server for about... forty minutes now.

I've told him to stop MULTIPLE times, and he just keeps telling me he won't stop until I let him play. I can't get rid of him!

He's already almost been banned from BYOND multiple times, and he's always been a problem. He just plain isn't going away! I have specifically made it clear that I am not going to allow him into my server, and he just keeps on spamming me.

If I pagerban him, I get spammed, if I unpagerban him, and ban him in-game, I get pagerspammed. THIS IS NOT COOL!

Why would you implement a feature that tells you when someone has tried to gain access? It's almost worse than having him around!
Quick fix: Open your keyban.txt file. Find the line that states "Hikato reason=pager+ban".
Change said line to "Hikato reason=pager+ban&Login=1".

Now after restarting Dream Seeker, Hikato should be pagerbanned, but still allowed to log into your game(no Access Denied messages), which you may now ban him from using the in-game tools. :)

You could also host with Dream Daemon. Less annoying. :)

[edit]Also, an override of world/IsBanned() could be used to make the game think that Hikato is not pager banned for game-joining purposes.[/edit]
In response to Jon88
Uh... It's not my game, I'm hosting a copy of SS13.

Oh, and to make matters worse, now he's assaulting me over the pager with other keys, and trying to log in with other keys I already have banned. This is getting out of hand.
In response to Ter13
They really need to make client.address pager banning. :'(
In response to Hell Ramen
What Ex really needs to do is give me the SS13 source code so I can make certain this crap doesn't happen anymore. I could drop such an administration library in there that he wouldn't believe it.
First, go into your cfg folder inside the Byond folder. Find keyban.

Now let him join your server, and pagerban him. Look at his IP address and copy it.

Use this

Hikato reason=pager+ban&address=

Paste the Ip address after address= and see if that works. Make sure to put it into the Text document.

This may or may not work.
In response to Strawgate
I doubt if it will work, unfortunately.

This has been an issue for a while - hopefully the 3.5 pager will sort it out.
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
They really need to make client.address pager banning. :'(

Too bad it requires the developer to use it.
Well, I wish they would add in a client variable that let's a developer know if any keys are linked. Like, if they share a common e-mail, ip, etc...That way, we can eliminate multiple keys in games with multiple saves & rid our selves of people we've banned.
Yeah, this has been reported before. 3.5 will solve a lot of these problems.
I've been a victim of this before too. When I first hosted the DmiFonts demo, I had banned a certain troll from my pager because really, I don't want him in any of my games. He decided he was somehow entitled to override that so he pulled this pagerban spam crap.

If this hasn't already been address in the 3.5 pager, I'm going to make a point of pushing it when we meet again on Monday. The pager is currently undergoing a little bit of work anyway, so if this hasn't been added, it should be. I will add that the potential for multi-key spam will soon be significantly lower.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
As a good feature to stop pager spam... Lets say someone did this

-->(7:55 pm) Strawgate: BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!<font color=green>[repeated many many many times]</font>

It should be limited to around 1 hundred characters... like this..

-->(7:55 pm) Strawgate: BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH!BLAH<font color=green>[repeated not-quite-as-many times]</font> [...]

And when you click the [...] it could finish it off, so if someones saying something important, and its real long you can see it. But if someones spamming, it doesnt freeze your entire pager.

<font color=green>It's also annoying on the forums. =) Please don't post lines that long, it makes reading the forums difficult. Thanks! --Crispy</font>
In response to Strawgate
Run-of-the-mill pager spam is not the topic of this thread. And besides, a limit as low as 100 characters is ludicrous.

Lummox JR
In response to Teh Governator
Teh Governator wrote:
Well, I wish they would add in a client variable that let's a developer know if any keys are linked. Like, if they share a common e-mail, ip, etc...That way, we can eliminate multiple keys in games with multiple saves & rid our selves of people we've banned.

We need to improve things, but from our experience this solution isn't practical. People use the same computers at school; people visit friends and use their computers. There are all sorts of ways that IPs and the like get linked, and suddenly innocent people get sucked into this style of ban.

Even email is only marginally useful since people can just go get all the bogus email addresses they want.
In response to Strawgate
This is a good idea, but I think you should be able to change the limit in pager options.
In response to Lummox JR
So add a feature to change it.
In response to Strawgate
I think you miss the point. This thread isn't about regular pager spam. Other pager options deserve (or don't) their own thread.

Lummox JR
In response to Deadron
I agree with a lot of what you just said, but if we can't IPban people, and we can't ban people based upon key relationships, then what are we supposed to do? Let the trolls spam all they like and just say: "That's wrong, you can't do that!"

There is no good solution, but the current one seems to be working well enough.
In response to Ter13
I think the best deterent to this sort of thing would be to require a fee to play, even if it's nominal, it'll keep a lot of riff raff out.

In response to Xooxer
Agreed! I'd pay up to $24 a year to access BYOND. Maybe a bit more, or something, but it doesn't really fit the motif of BYOND.
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