If it were up to me, Id make you sit infront of a TV screen, and make you watch kiddie shows all day, In my opinion, BYOND 4.0 is gonna own dem all...
anything nintendo makes is for little kids. I loved x box graphics but hated the controller and i liked that most ps2 games had an adult influence on them ;P and in the end im still going to get x box because its suspose to have other uses then just playing games but i will still get ps3 also
Lord of light wrote:
anything nintendo makes is for little kids. Well I guess every parent should go buy a gamecube because of its "kiddyness" and get Def Jam Fight For New York, Resident Evil 0-4, Hitman 2 : Silent Assasin, Blood Omen 2, and Outlaw Golf...>.> |
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Lord of light wrote: Ignore him, hes just <insert insult here> Anyone who uses the little kid excuse is nothing but a child themself. |
Of all the consoles, so far I have favored the Xbox. Though I do like all of the systems, but the playstation the least. I actually love the Xbox controller and liked how it was so big, it felt very comfortable.
I believe the Xbox360 coming out early like this, can be good though too. It allows the Xbox to get more money since a lot of people will buy it without the struggle of deciding to buy the other consoles instead. Though ofcourse others do have patience and will just wait for the others to be released as well, others will just run out and buy the Xbox just to have something new and better. I see nothing wrong with a company making more money, and I have seen many great games just on the first Xbox. Majority of my games are on the Xbox. Sure there are some crappy ones, but there is not a single console that does not have crappy games. I will eventually end up getting all of the new consoles though, since they are all good and all have great games to play. And if somebody has the money, they should get all three. It is the best way to enjoy all the benefits and the games. So far, I have the all three of the current consoles, and I do enjoy them all. I am no "fanboy" of anyone console, though as I have said, I do prefer the Xbox more. And not just because of the better graphics. It has a better controller, great games, and well good graphics too. I loved the harddrive, I never had to worry about a memory card, which I am sort of sad to see the harddrive go in the Xbox360. But a memory card is not too bad I suppose, but the harddrive was quite nice. Although I do prefer the Xbox, as I did mention, the other consoles are also still very good. I have a lot of games on the Gamecube, and I enjoyed playing games such Super Smash Brothers and Mario Party, great games to play when you have friends over. The playstation, the least favorite of the consoles, does have some good qualities as well. I have very few games on it and I hardly ever play it, but a thing I do like about it is that a lot games that would be only four player on the Xbox or Gamecube is eight player on the playstation. |
I dont care for the Xbox's controller, it hurts my hands, even when I got the Super S-Size controller which is the size of a Snes gamepad.
I also dont care for about 80% of the Xbox library, and I, the horn dog, dont even like the adult themed games they have relesed. |
FireEmblem wrote:
Everyone who joined before 2000 supported PCs. The PC isn't even in the same league. I think almost everyone will agree that the PC is superior to all of the systems made only for gaming. Most people just don't include the PC in the argument since the video game consoles aren't easily compared to it. The PC can have multiple attachments of any type, depending on how much money you want to spend it can be many, many times more powerful than any game console, it uses a keyboard and mouse as its primary input device, and it has the potential for games much, much larger than any game console. The latest game console brags 20GB game sizes? The PC can one-up it with a removable hard disk drive for 100GB. The latest video game console now has 512MB RAM? Install a couple more 1GB RAM cards in your computer. The video game console industry is only lately encroaching on PC quality games, but it still isn't far enough along to be comparable in raw power and versatility. Then again, I have not seen the specs for the next generation of game consoles. I'll have to see if I can find them later. |
Loduwijk wrote:
The video game console industry is only lately encroaching on PC quality games, but it still isn't far enough along to be comparable in raw power and versatility. Yawn. Everyone's heard the old "PC's are better than consoles" argument. The thing is, consoles are inherently cool and kick-ass. Consoles are to PCs what showy, rubbishy sports cars are to family saloons. No matter how much you prove the PC's superiority, consoles are still way too damn cool to ignored. :p (Oh, and I really hope you didn't take offense at the "yawn" part. You know I'm only kidding with you, right?) |
As long as you can wait a couple months and play console games on a PC, PC's will be infinately better. The only cool point of a console is you can play with more than one person without going online.
That said, PC gaming has plenty of advantages too. I like both console and PC gaming. |
You can buy a console for less than a PC, but you can upgrade a PC cheaper than you can buy a new console AND you can use a PC version of a console game, saving you money from having to buy additional consoled.
That being said, after a few years, you ultimately save money, space, etc by buying one PC and upgrading it than you do by buying several systems and their new versions. PCs 1 PC upgrades sound cards video cards version of windows/linux/etc etc. Consoles NES SNES N64 Gameboy Pocket Gameboy Color GBA Gamecube PS1 PS2 PSP XBOX etc. Which list looks like it costs less and takes less space? Yes, you have a harder time playing multi-player games if you want to see the actual person your playing against, but there are all sorts of advantages in a PC. |
Jamesburrow wrote:
You can buy a console for less than a PC, but you can upgrade a PC cheaper than you can buy a new console AND you can use a PC version of a console game, saving you money from having to buy additional consoled. You cheated.... PCs I do agree though Ive spent thousands on gaming consoles, and about $800 on my computer and games over the past 5 years |
Now, try to match the hardware in the consoles to the hardware in PCs. First off, you can't do it. It's impossible right now, the technology simply isn't out. Even if you could, the price would be immeasurably cheaper.
That said, PCs main focus is not gaming, while home consoles is. There's many games I'd prefer to have on a PC, many I'd prefer to have on a console =P I'd rather strategy games remain on the PC, for example. |
Meh, I find the computer game problems more in updating the hardware which means more money. Other than that I wouldn't buy an Xbox or Ps3.
I agree totally with you on this one, but(Yes a but) if you want to play a quick game, a lazy day call it, I turn to my ps2. Doesn't take as long to start and click the icon load as the ps2 does. Though, My other computer had a crap load of memory and stared fast.
I agree, also if you notice some people don't want to take the time to learn how to use a pc(yes, to you it's "WTF, all he has to do is install and play, but to them it's insert this into C://documents and just with that they're confused) also consoles don't get hacked or viruses so a 5 year old can play it. :) (Unless the five year old is retarded and starts throwing it around)
PC has the most options!