We're accepting ideas from the community to help build the games content. We're almost ready for our next update release, V 1.1, we just need a couple more tiny systems then we'll be ready.
We are seeking ideas for Medals, to help wide'n our Medal collection for the game.
Here are some of the Medals types we've already thought of;
- "Complete Round [x] within [x] amount of time"
- "Reach a score of [x]"
- "Die a total of [x] times."
- "Complete a total of [x] levels."
- "Play for a total of [x] amount of time."
Those are just a few examples of the medals we're seeking, we would kindly appreciate it if people would pitch in and give us ideas on how to make the game better, and add more content for every player to enjoy.
![]() Dec 21 2013, 6:23 pm
- "Complete round [x] without dying"
- "Compelte every round in level [x] without dying" - "Complete every round without dying" |
Royal Cookie wrote:
Death Wish - Die a total of 1 timesNo Death Magnet - Die a total of 100 times!We planned on something like this, but not sure about what to name it or the set amount of deaths. Platnium - Achieve all medals.Already planned. D-Cire wrote: - "Complete round [x] without dying"++ - "Compelte every round in level [x] without dying"++ - "Complete every round without dying"++ I love you D-Cire. <3 |
Np <3 I'll think of others soon.
Sense of Direction. #[x] - "Complete round [x] without taking a wrong turn" That was a maze? #[x]- "Complete every round in level [x] without a wrong turn" Innate Geography/Perfectionist - "Complete every round without taking a wrong turn" |
Speed Demon. "Complete [x] rounds in under [x] time."
Completionist. "Complete 10 levels." Overachiever! "Complete all available levels." (That is, if you decide to add more. Which I hope you do. First come, first serve. So, the people who are here when there are less rounds will get to easily get this medal. Or, you could just make it up to level 15.) |
D-Cire wrote:
Sense of Direction. #[x] - "Complete round [x] without taking a wrong turn"- I don't know exactly how I could implant this, but I have an idea, and it just might work! But, these would be nice medal additions. If you have a way of making this, let me know. Xirre wrote: Speed Demon. "Complete [x] rounds in under [x] time."- Sounds do-able, I just got to think of a way to implant this. Completionist. "Complete 10 levels."- Already planned. Overachiever! "Complete all available levels." (That is, if you decide to add more. Which I hope you do. First come, first serve. So, the people who are here when there are less rounds will get to easily get this medal. Or, you could just make it up to level 15.)- We're planning on having 4 Themes and then the game will be considered "finished", in the next update we're included Theme 2 (the brown cave at the end, which D-Cire thought we're "Bonus Levels" lol.) Every Theme will include a new trap, hopefully, and we're aiming at around 40-50 levels, but this medal is planned. |
Lordjamex wrote:
Be a massive faggot: Have the key "Cloud Magic" So much hate. Lmao. Anyway, in order to add the "Without making a wrong turn" medal(s) you could work something out with either once you hit a wrong turn on a round it sets a 'WrongTurnTaken' var to one, that prevents the medal from being rewarded for that round. You could also check how many turns it takes for each round at minimum, and every step they take add one to 'TurnsUsed'. If they take one or more turns than the goal there, they don't get the medal rewarded. You could even put both in if wanted. These are just things you'd have to check for after every turn/round. |
D-Cire wrote:
you could work something out with either once you hit a wrong turn on a round it sets a 'WrongTurnTaken' var to one, that prevents the medal from being rewarded for that round. I think I'll do that something along them lines. |
Have to find a way to implement it? Yew must be stupid. Just get a timestamp and subtract the time. The only hard thing I have with doing this is managing the changed time over a long period of time (days, weeks, months.) It's just too much to think of. I never bothered to go that deep.
If it's round based, say per relog, everything resets, why not just use tmp/vars??
Example: Login, begins on round 1. Relogs, begins on round 1. Otherwise, they will progress and the variables can be as follows, using tmp/vars. mob/var/tmp/list/wrong_turns=list("Round 1"=0,"Round 2"=0); and have mob/var/tmp/round=0 so you will have a code like this, if a wrong turn is made: src.wrong_turns["Round [src.round]"]+=1 and you can just check them at the end. mob/ The above is an example of what you can do. |
^Pretty much what I already said to do once. Even though it could be a lot more efficient than that.
The only thing I could think of is to add a variable to my /rounddatum for min_turns and just hardcode the minimum turns it should take to perfect the round. At the end when the player ends the round, if steps tooken is greater than the min_turns then it'll return if equal to, you beat within minimum turns.
I suggested that too. In terms of a single variable you can just make a list of hardcoded correct turns for each round. If a turn is taken and doesn't match the order, that round wasn't perfect.
^ Agreed, thats like one of the simplest ways.
Or you can create a code that auto-codes the correct turns during run-time for that round when you play. That may be a bit more work than what you want but yeah haha |
Die a total of 1 times
Death Magnet
Die a total of 100 times!
Achieve all medals.