Problem description:
My statpanel dissapears whenever a new user logs in, even though it is present throughout the character creation process
Jun 20 2005, 5:36 am
In response to Vito Stolidus
Stat() statpanel("Stats") stat("Powerlevel:", "[round(src.powerlevel)]") stat("Maximum Powerlevel:", "[round(src.maxpowerlevel)]") stat("Punch:", "[round(src.punchstrength)]") stat("Kick:", "[round(src.kickstrength)]") stat("Block:", "[round(src.defense)]") stat("Will:", "[src.will]") stat("Honor:","[src.honor]") stat("Purity:", "[src.purity]") stat("----------") stat("Zenni:", "[src.zenni]") Well, here's the code...... |
In response to Jaea
Hmm, I don't have that problem, and I use a similar panel
--Vito |