Ever since i updated my byond to 3.5 all my Coding has been messing up. Like quite a few verbs do not work and checks for local hosts. I know my code was fine before this i just wanner know why it is doing this... Thankz for any replys.
Can you try downgrading to 342 or 341 to verify that it is indeed a problem with BYOND itself and not a simple programming mistake?
In response to Nadrew
As far as i know nothing has changed! to the coding since 341 but i'll give it a try right away.
In response to Woodyo
Yep it was 3.5 that was making it go all wrong! I think thats a little disappointing that i cannot upgrade! Hopefully something will be done about it! kinda posted this on the wrong place tho! Anyways.. Thankz
In response to Woodyo
There was a small bug I noticed during our pre-beta testing with typecasting. Tom said he'd look into it, but for now you can simply have a second copy of Dream Maker somewhere (I generally keep the past three versions on file, but not installed) doesn't need to be installed anywhere, just needs the /bin directory stuff with it. Open it, compile and you're set, no need to lose the exciting stuff 3.5 has planned.
In response to Nadrew
Alright thankz you have been a good help.