client/New()//When a client connects to a mob
name = "pocket"
icon = 'Inventory.dmi'
icon_state = "empty"
New(client/C)//When created
src.screen_loc = "1,19"//Locates it on the screen
C.screen+=src//Adds it to client's screen
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
name = "pocket"
icon = 'Inventory.dmi'
icon_state = "empty"
New(client/C)//When created
src.screen_loc = "2,19"//Locates it on the screen
C.screen+=src//Adds it to client's screen
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
name = "pocket"
icon = 'Inventory.dmi'
icon_state = "empty"
New(client/C)//When created
src.screen_loc = "3,19"//Locates it on the screen
C.screen += src//Adds it to client's screen
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
i also have items that go in the emptys
name = "boat"
icon = 'Inventory.dmi'
icon_state = "boat"
New(client/C)//When created
src.screen_loc = "1,19"//Locates it on the screen
C.screen+=src//Adds it to client's screen
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
name = "fly"
icon = 'Inventory.dmi'
icon_state = "ufo"
New(client/C)//When created
src.screen_loc = "2,19"//Locates it on the screen
C.screen+=src//Adds it to client's screen
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
name = "UFO"
icon = 'Inventory.dmi'
icon_state = "fly"
New(client/C)//When created
src.screen_loc = "3,19"//Locates it on the screen
C.screen += src//Adds it to client's screen
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
Problem description:
When i login i get this runtime:
runtime error: Cannot read null.screen
proc name: New (/obj/empty1/New)
usr: (Owner) Tabu (/mob)
src: the pocket (/obj/empty1)
call stack:
the pocket (/obj/empty1): New(null)
(Owner) Tabu (/mob): Login()
Tabu34 (/client): New()
for all three empty's
also, when i talk to the people, such as the alien, i get a runtime trying to make the items show up in the little squares:
runtime error: undefined variable /mob/var/screen
proc name: New (/obj/spaceinv/New)
usr: (Owner) Tabu (/mob)
src: UFO (/obj/spaceinv)
call stack:
UFO (/obj/spaceinv): New((Owner) Tabu (/mob))
Alien (/mob/alien): Talk()
I cannot understand why this does not work. HELP!