For anyone who has played Half-Life and/or Half-Life 2, you know who the Gman is. He is the man in a suit with a suitcase and grey hair who constantly fixes his tie. I was thinking: is he a bad guy, a good guy, or somewhere in between.
Sure, at the end of the first one if you don't join him he sends you to a field or something filled with monsters and you inexplicably die, but does that make him evil? In the second one he sends you to City 17 to stop the Combine, which is good. So, what do you guys think?
![]() Jul 15 2005, 9:07 am
![]() Jul 15 2005, 9:14 am
I think he's God
I don't really see him as evil, nor is he a saint. It is true that he sends you to Xen, I assume, if you turn down his request. Obviuosly, that wouldn't really happen since you are alive in Half-Life 2. He is an interesting character though. He helps drive the story and adds mystery. In the first game, you don't really learn much about him until the end, and at that point, you still don't learn much. My rationale for why he "kills" you if you deny his request is that he knows of the upcoming conflict with the Combine in City 17. Gman probably would prefer a dead Gordan now than one that dies during the Combine's first confrontation with Earth forces. Or maybe he just can't take no as an answer. Whatever the reason, I see Gman as more of a good character whose real intentions are still unknown.
Heh, there is a good video of GMan and gordan playing out the court scene in "A few good men". It is actually done really, really good. |
Woah, Lucky I read your post.
I was gunna ask why you were posting about him in the Gaming forums. ;) Anyway, I cant say. Havnt played Half Life in ages, and cant play Half Life two. |
That won't speed it up. All it will do is possibly allow him to continue with a download later, if the server will allow it. And last I know, most of those programs had spy/adware packed with them.
William Shatner.
I always thought that pauses aside, the G-Man sounded a cross between Agent Smith, and Krang from the old late-80s/early-90s TMNT cartoon. "Good... morning, Mister Anderson. Get me those wretched turrrtles!" |
Ive only played the first one and i never finished it but i always saw him walking around and i thought how is he not dying with all the aliens around. You also see him in Opposing Force, which i also never finished.