Whee! :P After days of never quite managing to negotiate the permissions and multiple levels of firewalls (on router and on each PC... I know that's redundant, especially considering that the entire world is united in wishing me nothing but the best, but Babysitter XP gives me too many warnings to stomach if I turn any of them all the way) and never quite getting to the point where anybody can join my hosted games, I finally got it resolved so my two main computers can host. :P And ended up blowing a big chunk of what's supposed to be my writing time for the evening.
Ah, well. As the fake French say, "say lovey." I did enough work yesterday that I can discretely sleep at my desk all day tomorrow and still lead the department in production. :P
![]() Jul 20 2005, 6:59 pm
What's sad is, 15 months ago I was telling people how to do this over the phone for a living. :P I'd never actually set up a router, or even worked with one, and I wasn't really trained on them. I just pieced it together from screen shots and from what the end users said to me as I was bluffing my way through it. :P I probably could've got it working faster if I wasn't actually at the computer, but was talking to somebody who was.
Ahh, a natural trouble-shooter. An admirable quality, to be honest with you. I've had the same problem when it comes to dealing with relationships. Where do you work?
Well, ok. If it's for hosting your games, I guess it's worth the writing time, almost. >.> I mean, can't wait to play HRH again! :D
~X |
I did the same thing about a month ago (although my problem was with the modem configuration not the router itself). I was extremely happy. Then I realised that I considered getting a router, some wireless cards and a modem to work together to be a great victory, which made me sad.
Oddly enough I had to do this today(well, yesterday technically). We finally got our phone that runs through our broadband internet, and sadly it came with a router with 2 phone jacks. I hate routers, but I setup ports 6112-6500 which I usually use for hosting various things.
Anyhow, congradulations! =p |
Hedgemistress wrote:
What's sad is, 15 months ago I was telling people how to do this over the phone for a living. :P I'd never actually set up a router, or even worked with one, and I wasn't really trained on them. I just pieced it together from screen shots and from what the end users said to me as I was bluffing my way through it. :P I probably could've got it working faster if I wasn't actually at the computer, but was talking to somebody who was. The time to hangup is when the error on the screen is a big black nothing. [edit] Four Essential Services. Fire Police Ambulance Internet help desk (Link contains a movie, movie has mild swearing.) http://www.deadtroll.com/index2.html?/video/ helldeskcable.html~content [talking to child] Next time your daddy says the computers not working, tell him its broken and take it so you can play with. Tell him to go back to the store and buy an IMac. There especially made for idio... Mommys and Daddys. |
(No sarcasm intended :) )