I foudn this on ebaumswrold forums and watched the whole thing.. This kid is a hardcore gamer.
If you like watching these kinds of things I suggest you check out There's all kinds of neat things there.
Thats some pro

EDIT: Not fair how he uses a bug to break the infinite lvl 70 stairs :( took me 5 days to get 70 stars
In response to Xeronage
XD you must not be very good then. I beat sm64ds in a week.
In response to Nesso
uh.. week.. 7 days.. i beat it in 5... ur even worse and this is about SM64 not SM64DS(although SM64DS is a port, but its edited a bit)
In response to Xeronage
I meant all 150 stars.
He used bugs to win, although he still had some impressive moves, I want to see him beat it fair and square.
In response to Scoobert
That would probaly take an hour and a half =P
And I thought you couldn't cheat in Bowser's castle...boy, was I wrong.
Fracking Cheaters
In response to Repiv
Cool thanks =)

In response to Strawgate
Fracking Cheaters

These are competative time attacks. Saying something you can do within a game is cheap or cheating is just scrub talk :P.

If you don't take advantage of everything the game lets you do you aren't playing to win and shouldn't be competing.
20 minutes? I'm way better than this guy. It took me three years to beat Super Mario 64. Yeah. This loser wasted $50 on a game that can be beat in 20 minutes. I spent the same amount of money on a game with three years worth of playable content.

Some people should just never pick up a controller. :P

(Realistically speaking, this is clearly a guy who did spend a lot of time "just playing", otherwise his moves and his timing wouldn't be so smooth... the above criticism is really more applicable to the people who beat a game in a single week, or weekend, and then put it aside 'cause it's finished.)
RaditzX wrote:
I foudn this on ebaumswrold forums and watched the whole thing.. This kid is a hardcore gamer.

Suprised Ebaumsworld hasn't started to steal the popular speedruns for games yet. and some other sites have some great game runs. FF4(2) in alittle over 4 hours, I think GTA SA is done in 8 or so. Certain sites require legit playing, others don't mind the use of emulators.
just watched it and damn, that's awesome.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
the above criticism is really more applicable to the people who beat a game in a single week, or weekend, and then put it aside 'cause it's finished.

Yeah, but if you went out for the week or weekend and only spent $50 you'd consider it a pretty cheap time. By the time you've got into a club you've spent almost that much.
So in theory provided you have fun you can finish a game in twelve hours and still get out of it pretty cheap compared to the alternatives.
In response to DarkView
he played through the game first, and then spent hours on this twenty minute show. he uses a program that allows you to save at a particular spot you can't get past. it the same program for super mario bros. in five minutes, if you've seen it.
In response to Popisfizzy
Actually, if he did that, he wouldn't of made a few mistakes which he did, which could of cut off around 30 seconds or so.
In response to Ol' Yeller
well, he probably didn't care about a couple mistakes if he had been there for a couple hours.
In response to DarkView

Yeah, but if you went out for the week or weekend and only spent $50 you'd consider it a pretty cheap time. By the time you've got into a club you've spent almost that much.

What club do you go to that you have to spend $50 getting in the door? I guess I must live in a cheap town. :P

Anyways, it goes to the nature of the entertainment. When you're out on the town, you're paying for a good time and taking home memories. You can hail a cab, pay the cover, and buy a drink then sit in the corner nursing it all night and not dancing or talking to anybody... but then why did you bother going at all? You can buy a drink at the store and consume it at home, if that's all that you're after.

When you buy a game, you're paying for ownership of a tangible, permanent physical item and taking it home. The people who race through the game once, or go through it methodically and mechanically in order to make it give up all its secrets, and then never touch it again... why did they bother buying the game? Rent it, if that's all it is to you.
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