Hello BYOND.
Just looking for people to play with/against in some online games. The idea is: You post what multiplayer PC games you own/have installed and wish to find opponents/allies for then compair and contrast with the other posts in the thread. Simple huh?
My games:
Battlefield 2,
Battlefield Vietnam,
Age of Mythology,
Homeworld 2 and
Unreal Tourniment.
See easy, wasn't it?
Now you try.
![]() Aug 11 2005, 9:09 pm
Legend Of Mir
Dark Age Of Camelot World Of Warcraft But i usually only have 1 of these subscriptions active |
I have:
Final Fantasy XI [I am on the the Shiva Server] Diablo 2 Command and Conquer [the complete current set] Civialtion 3 Half-Life Platinum Collection [The orginal and all the expansion sets] Quake III Arena Alien VS Preditor Gold EverQuest Platinum Set [I sometimes play no a emu server] Diablo As far as I know, all these games allow for Player VS Player. |
the online games I have are:
Need for Speed 1 World of Warcraft Ragnarok online (for 6-7 more days) Starcraft Warcraft 3 and some others ... havent bought video games in a while..... |
Half-Life (NaturalSelection mod)
Counter-Strike (+Condition Zero) The New World 1503.AD Rise Of Nations Starcraft (+expansion) Diablo 1 & 2 (+expansion) Morrowind The Elder Scrolls 3 Zoo + Rollercoaster Tycoons Age Of Empires (+expansion) Unreal Tournament Dungeon Seige Tons more.... Oh and check out the graphics for these new games. http://www.sunflowers.de/english/games/anno3.php -Just go to home page to see Paraworld. I'm looking forward to them both. |
Starcraft Broodwar Half Life 2 Counter-strike: Source Stronghold Dungeons of Aranna ...Thats all I can think of XD |
Stronghold Crusader
Stronghold World Of Warcraft Age Of Empires F22 Lightening 3 Starcraft Starcraft Brood War Warcraft 3 Warcraft 3 Frozen THrone Homeworld Civilization 3 Rome: Total War Need for speed something Real war: Rouge States Stronghold 2 Starwars Galactic Battlegrounds Fritz 8 Chess Game There you go! [edit] Halo |
Well, I would have UT 2003 and Counter-Strike Source, but I have DAMN 56k!
I'll tell you if I get a better connection though. |
I have a whole lot :P.
Diablo + Expansion Diablo 2 + Expansion Balder's Gate + Expansion Balder's Gate II + Expansion Age of Empires + Expansion Age of Empires II + Expansion Myth: The Fallen Lords Red Alret + Expansion Red Alert 2 (I had the expansion but can't find the CD :P) Lords of Magic: Special Edition Lords of the Realm Lords of the Realm 2 + Expansion Neverwinter Nights + All Expansions Master of Orion 2 Master of Orion 3 Heros of Might and Magic 4 + First Expansion Icewind Dale + Expansion Icewind Dale 2 Dungeon Seige + Expansion Halflife Art of Magic Celtic Kings Patrician 2 ORB Stronghold Homeworld Homeworld: Cataclysm Homeworld 2 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 Command and Conquer Renegade Empire Earth + Expansion Need for Speed III Need for Speed IV Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Rise of NAtions + Expansion Sacred + Expansion Call to Power 2 Warcraft Warcraft 2 + Expansion Warcraft 2 Battle.Net edition Freedom Force Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich Everquest(no official account though) Ultima Online(no official account though) Arcanum Emporer: Rise of the Middle Kingdom Far Cry Civilization 2 Multiplayer Gold Edition Civilization 2 Test of Time Lionheart Black and White + Expansion Dark Planet Emporer: Battle for Dune Spellforce + All Expansions Civilization 3 + All Expansions Alpha Centauri + Expansion System Shock 2 Age of Wonders 2 Age of Wonders: Shadow MAgic Grand Theft Auto 3(multiplayer with mod) Vice City(multiplayer with mod) San Andreas(multiplayer with mod) Dark Stone Age of Mythology + Expansion Dungeon Keeper 2 Command and Conquer Generals + Expansion Lords of Everquest Warlords IV Warcraft 3 Empire Earth 2 Empires: Dawn of the Modern World Halflife 2 And I think that's it unless there is some multiplayer game I purchased and don't have it on CD and didn't think of it. |
The whole steam collection (Half-Life, Half-Life 2, CS:S, TFC, DoD, etc.) and a lot of mods
Final Fantasy XI (Have it, but don't pay so I can't play it) Heh, that's about it. ;o |
<font color="Red">Ragnarok Online (Private server)</font>
Battlefield 1942 <font color="Red">Command an Conquer Generals</font> <font color="Red">Command an Conquer Generals: Zero Hour</font> Diablo II Diablo II: Lord of Destruction <font color="Red">Superpower II</font> Command and Conquer <font color="Red">Command and Conquer Red Alert</font> <font color="Red">Command and Conquer Red Alert: The Aftermath</font> Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 (LOST!) Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition (With JonOf's port, of course!) Half-Life Half-Life 2 Sourceforts <font color="Red">Counter-Strike</font> Counter-Strike Source Day of Defeat Team Fortress Classic (HL) Half-Life : Deathmatch Half-Life 2 : Deathmatch The Specialists GunZ Online: The Duel Brain Bread <font color="Red">Natural Selection</font> CivNet <font color="Red">Star Trek Armada II</font> Age of Empires <font color="Red">Age of Empires II</font> <font color="Red">Age of Empires II: The Conquerors</font> <font color="Red">Starcraft</font> <font color="Red">Starcraft Brood War</font> <font color="Red">Second Life (Game?)</font> Halo PC <font color="Red">Majesty</font> <font color="Red">Majesty : Northern Expansion</font> BYOND (lol) Desert Combat 0.7 Desert Combat 0.8 Rose Online (NEVER played... but it's on my desktop lol!) MAME32 netplay over Kaliera (GREAT for fighting games) Sim City 2000 Network Edition (No longer works in Windows XP) Warcraft II : Battle.NET Edition <font color="Green">Warcraft III (Lost? Hate this game!)</font> etc,etc,etc -------- <font color="Red">Red are my favorites!</font> Although I might not be "into" them now! =) <font color="Green">Green are my least favorites</font> w00t May be more I just can't remember now XD ~Kujila |
Kujila wrote:
<font color="Red">Majesty</font> Hehe yes, Majesty is a fine game. Ontopic: Age Of Mythology, Total Anihhilation, Doom 3 (on LMS mod), Duke 3D (Jonos port), Dungeon siege, Empire Earth, Freelancer, Homeworld 2, Machines, Majesty (Northern expansion...cd is lost or stolen though (a lot of my good games have recently gone missing), but found a no-cd crack :-D Rainbowsix Ravenshield, Halflife2 Deathmatch, Day of defeat, Earths Special Forces, Natural selection (awesome game), Vietcong, Close Combat 5, and finally Never Winternights. I'd have more but I don't have the room for my other games. (Such as Sacrifice, D2+Expans and a bunch of others) |
Half Life 2
Counter Strike: Source Half Life 2: Deathmatch Condition Zero Counter-Strike Team Fortress Classic (Though I don't like it much) Day of Defeat Day of Defeat: Source (When it releases =P) Half Life Deathmatch Classic Opposing Force Ricochet .. and a bit of other mods. Yeah I only have Valve stuff, cause I usually don't play those other stuff. ~~> Dragon Lord |
/me bothers you for SC2KNE
Warcraft 3 sucks without the expansion pack, it even gets boring with it. It was a major letdown from Blizzard. :( |
Wow..., everyone is this thread is like a big gamer. The only games I have played online are Madden(2004 - 2006) and Gunz Online.
I pretty much play FPS games and one MMORPG like:
-Half-Life -Counter-Strike -The good mods for Half-Life -Unreal 03 or 04 I for got -Halo -Global Opertations -I some times play Gunz Online but now it is boring -Free World -Medal of Honor Allied Assult (I am currently playing that) That is pretty much the good ones I have. ->Calus CoRPS<- |
I'm going to list the ones I remember.
Guild Wars
World of Warcraft
Diablo 2(and expansion)
Baldurs Gate
Need for Speed Underground 2
Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament 2004
Starcraft(and expansion)
Warcraft 2(and expansion)
Warcraft 3(and expansion)
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
Populous 3
Fragile Allegiance(Only through modem)
Halif-life 2
Alpha Centauri
Ultima Online
Far Cry
Dungeon Keeper 2
Commandos 3
Quake 3
I have more than that, someone lost my CD case so I can't look through it right now. I'll post more if I remember them.