This is the second time making this thread because last time I only got one response and it didn't work, bumped it twice over a week and still got no replies.

How do you flick an animation for an overlay?

I have the overlay attached to the user:

src.overlays += new/obj/overlay/boots

It correctly displays on the mob when the verb is used to apply the overlay using that code. Now how do I flick an animation of the overlay?
I'm guessing that the overlays icon state must be the same one as your user's icon in order to show the animation. I absolutly have little to none icon this may not be the actual answer.
In response to Xifiction
Do none of the BYOND guru's frequent this forum at all? This is getting very annoying.
In response to Zephir62
What I found out is that people usually only will give advice on something they know, which usually means they've did it before.

Why do you have to flick an overlay? Can't you just flick an icon? Nevermind, it won't work in a few situations if you just flick an icon.
In response to Justin Knight
I'm making a role playing game with the armor being visible on the characters - for an animation to be played other than the walking animation I need to call the overlays to be flicked also, correct?
In response to Zephir62
It definitely gets tricky when you're making movies for mobs with different armor icons. I've never seen that done in a game, it might not be impossible. Although it probably is really hard. BYOND RPGs usually stick to one icon per class if they want to put in animations. It's much easier that way.