How about adding quick reply to the forums for faster posting and some people dont have to wait a long time to load the page to make a post(i.e. if they are downloading.)
It wouldnt be helpful A LOT but it will be handy. Also how about an option to rejoin a game once you log out with BYOND 3.5 because when I log out I have to go back to the BYOND window and click My Hub to open a game.
Blakdragon77 wrote:
How about adding quick reply to the forums for faster posting and some people dont have to wait a long time to load the page to make a post(i.e. if they are downloading.)

Although this is handy, I think it makes forums look ugly :P I don't think it needs a quick reply. Just don't download things and post on forums with a 56k modem ^^

It wouldnt be helpful A LOT but it will be handy. Also how about an option to rejoin a game once you log out with BYOND 3.5 because when I log out I have to go back to the BYOND window and click My Hub to open a game.

I thought about this too. There are probably reasons why you can't do this but I dunno o_O
If there aren't reasons then it would be cool if it were implemented ^^
Add a macro to your DS window that does that. You could set your function buttons to games that you play. For instance, I could set F7 to ".url" and then that button should log me into Dragon Warrior Online. The server is crashed at the moment, so it wouldn't right now, but you should get the idea.
In response to Loduwijk
I think he means like in Byond versions before 3.5 where when you got d/c'd you can just hit enter and rejoin. Currently, if you disconnect and press enter, if the connection fails, then above the command bar where it used to say the link to the game, it now says "URL" and you have to find the link to the game again to get back in =/