I made a feature in my game to submit suggestions. When you do this it goes through the simple process of creating an object with the variables of the suggestion, then you can vote on the suggestion if you like it and that'll add your key/IP (to prevent multiple votes) to the list on the object. Then you can hit "View Suggestion" and see an HTML table in the browser containing all the objects, who submitted it, and who voted yes/no on it (it shows their keys).

None of this has to do with my problem except for "see an HTML table in the browser."

When I did it, it kept the normal formatting inside the table (in other words, black font color) when I had "bgcolor=black" in the BODY tag.

How can I change the table's font color to white? ^^ (I could just leave it this way, but I want to "Table" my Update log too, which I like having be blue on black)
Simply using the <font> tag would work, you can also use <div> and <span>. There are plenty of HTML assistance sites with more details.
In response to Nadrew
I looked at Lycos' but all they said about <table> was the tags for format like tr and td and the ones like borderwidth and cellspacing =/ oh well I'll look around some more
In response to Cowdude
For a good site, check out

As far as the table goes, I'm assuming you set the font color in the page(outside of the table) with a
<font color=#xxxxxx> (or color name) </font>
. You can set the default text color of a page with the
<body text=#FFFFFF>
tag. Otherwise, yes you will have to redo your
<font color=>
inside of the table.

In response to Hiead
I did want to set it outside, yes.

But if I wanted the table a differant color (for future referance) do I have to set font color for each box or can I set font color inside/after the "table" tag?
In response to Cowdude