How do I have different maps load? I am making an arena battle game, and I need to make an admin verb that changes the map. I need one of these maps to be the default map that will automatically load at the start. Also, how do I make people spawn at random spots selected from a list in the code? I am still trying to figure out how to move usr.contnets to usr.loc at death. You have been helpful, but I do not know where to start or the format.

Please post sample codes for these questions. They would be very helpful.
ok so what ur trying to say is like
admin-sends all to a place

yes/no ??????????
In response to JRR-Zero
No, admins can change the world map. Start locations will be predefined per map...
In response to Bobthehobo
i still dont really get what ur saying but ill send u a code of mine that might b what ur looking for
set category = "Gm"
for(var/mob/M in world)
usr<<"<b>You Send [M:name] To PLACE"
M<<"<b>You Got Sent To PLACE!!!"

***********there u go i think this is what ur look for the admin clicks the verb WITCH U HAVE " MAKE then every 1 gets sent to the location of the map. if this doesnt work ill have 1 more go for u BUT EXPLAINE MORE PLZ im not A mind reader*************

soz for spelling but what u going 2 do
In response to JRR-Zero
I want soemthing like how it is in Prolemium. The host can selct the map from a list, and the map changes to that.
In response to Bobthehobo
ive never been on prolemiumbut thats as good as ill give u and as good as any 1 else will give u learn 2 code im only a n00b coder really but i read the dm guide and i follow it thats how i can code
In response to Bobthehobo
Thats proberly just multiple z layers, although, I've never seen that game before, I don't play any BYOND games myself....

Change_Map(map as num)
for(var/mob/M in world)
M.z = map

var/map = input(src, "What map?") in list(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
for(var/mob/M in world)
M.z = map

Don't expect people to write the code for you, you have to write it, we will just give you the tools required for you to learn to do so, you can always use seperate .dmp files, but remember, each dmp file just continues on from the last files z layer, in alphabetical order

A.dme has 5z layers, z 1 to 5
B.dme has 10z layers, z 6 to 16

And so on.

Good luck to you.
In response to Holy Retribution
This helped, thank you...