I'm on a Blackberry, making a post on byond (in a moving suv). Am I the first to do this?
What is Blackberry? Why not tell us, rather than making us guess that it is some sort of mobile computing device.
In response to Scoobert
DudE! A blackberry is one of those uber cool pda like things! My dad has one.....its so cooll....
In response to Scoobert
Because I'm limited to small sentances for the sake of speed. Google it.
In response to Rockinawsome
Well, don't half do things. I had googled it, and found plenty of sites about BlackBerrys, the small fruit. I was able to pull up what it was, basicly a cellphone with a keypad. I like the sidekick better.
In response to Scoobert
What's a Palm?

What's a Pocket PC?

What's a cell phone?

What's a Blackberry?

C'mon, this is the itnernets, it's serious business!
