Okay, I've officially started learning how to make Flash cartoons, however, I have some questions about them. I will post the few I have now, and I will probably have more later.

Firstly, even when I test the movie, it always seems to have my crappy drawing sk33lz past the canvas... I thought the canvas was supposed to prevent that? How do I keep it all square inside of the movie frame?

Here is what I am talking about:

Now, this makes it seem like an unfounded worry to me since a window wouldn't do anything but square, but it appears that you can resize the canvas so I don't know:

Also, see that cloud in the first image? I would like to know how to make that transparent (That is from a test movie, I'm trying to learn as much as I can so id on't screw up on legitiment projects).

Lastly, I've been studying David Firth's works (obviously), especially his ways to make things look textured without actually having a texture there, and his ways of shading, I figured out that he puts texture on the outlines of stuff and it will help set the mood of that area. I was wondering if there were any other Flash artists that it would be a good idea for me to study?
When you test it in flash, yes, you can see past the boundaries. This does not occur when running an .swf file in flash player, or the browser.

Embedding an .swf file in an .html file stops you from scaling it, too.

To make things transparant, go to Window ---> colour mixer (you might find it under development, or something).

There it has a wide range of colours and the ability to change the alpha channel.

Some sources:

The way this flows is great. Simple, but lush:

The style on this is very artistic:

THIS is incredibly beautiful:
If you have Flash MX, the mixer should start out on the right side panel, and you want to lower the Alpha value I think. I can't wait to see what you make =)
Look into Action Scripting too, I've tried to make a few games with it, but you can probably to better.
Thanks for the tips...

But now, on to a new question:

Do animaters typically animate extremity (if that's the word) of every limb one-by-one? I know that seems like a dumb question, but I'd like to know if there is a way to link connect parts on sprites so when you move one part, another part moves, kind of like the Pivot stickfigure animater.
Try putting a black box around the canvas. Put it in its own layer, then just hide it(Put it on a top layer). Then when the movie is run, it will unhide it.
In response to Kunark
You can group things together, or convert various parts into "symbols" (the basic objects, movieclips, buttons and graphics).

There's several different styles of animation. Some peoplle just move the various parts with tweens and stuff, whereas others use frame-by-frame animation. This is where each new frame has the extra animation just drawn on.

Example of frame-by-frame:

Example of very poor animation:
You can create a mask to hide anything you don't want. Not having Flash here, I can't give instructions, but it shouldn't be too hard.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
THIS is incredibly beautiful:

That one is funny. Still, my favorite flash "short film" i've seen recently: index.cgi?action=message_read&id=379504&forum=7&view=0

In response to Elation
When I'm in the middle of editing my project I keep getting a "A needed resources was" and then the rest of it is blank, error. I then cant start flash without getting that error until I restart my computer. How do I fix this?
In response to Kunark
I have no idea, I've never seen that before.

I'm guessing it's trying to use some files or something that's being used by something else?

Or maybe RAM? I have no idea. What's your computer's specs?
In response to Elation
Well, it's odd because after I ran Rambooster it still did it, even though it seems like ram would be the problem.

800mhz athlon processor
256mb ram
30 gigs of hard disk space
Nvidia Geforce II Video Card
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Well, it's odd because after I ran Rambooster it still did it, even though it seems like ram would be the problem.

800mhz athlon processor
256mb ram
30 gigs of hard disk space
Nvidia Geforce II Video Card

Lol I blame the Athlon. J/K...and I have no idea what Rambooster is. But if it is a matter of RAM, then try restarting your PC. Lol, I don't know much about Flash projects (if I'm not mistaken, it costs more than I've got to spend right about now), but do you have to take care of memory cleaning yourself? Like, would there be any way you've caused memory leaks or such? Tell you what, though, the next thing you need to change about your computer is the RAM, 256MB doesn't cut it these days. Try for 512 at least(I know how money gets tight in a hurry, so you know)

In response to Hiead
Yeah, Flash takes up a lot of memory. Flash player doesn't, of course. Flash player is the same as Dream Seeker in as much as if you run a nasty infinity loop it'll use up all the memory allocated to it and crash itself.

But anyway. Flash 'maker'. Yeah, it's quite hard on the RAM. You might want to get a better computer, or cut down on what else you are running at the same time.
In response to Kunark
There are some Flash tutorials Here
Well, I made an animation to see what I could do and such and to learn some basic Flash skills in.



...Do you dare view this horrific animation??

uhhg, I can NOT get the damn loading screen to stay up there! It just rushes to frame 2 with the button even when it's still loading!


That's my code, I also tried it just like this (without the loop to replay frame 1):


What am I doing wrong here??]

Also, is there a better way to do "closeups" that doing a motion tween? The motion tween just seems too stubborn for it.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Well, I made an animation to see what I could do and such and to learn some basic Flash skills in.



...Do you dare view this horrific animation??

That's the most...interesting thing I've seen in a while. LOL I have no idea on that other junk you were asking about.

In response to Kunark
ActionScript can sometimes be a bitch with these things. I've found it horrid to debug in the past.


Try adding the this to gotoAndPlay().
Also if you haven't noticed, the . operator is much the same as the / operator in DM.

That's my code, I also tried it just like this (without the loop to replay frame 1):


Try having on frame 2 a this.gotoAndPlay(1). It might work, hopefully.

Also, is there a better way to do "closeups" that doing a motion tween? The motion tween just seems too stubborn for it.

Motion tweens are for symbols, shape tweens are for vector graphics that haven't been symbolised.
Word of warning about shape tweens:
If you don't use them right, they often look rubbish!
They also sap CPU like anything (and Flash player doesn't get that much memory in the grand scale of things), so they can really slow down animations.

You COULD use code for making things bigger, but remember this is a lot harder to know what's what, since code won't imply any graphical changes on the canvas.

For example, if you have a box, then write some ActionScript to make it spin and grow big, then it will only do that at runtime. In author(compile)time, it'll stay like it was.

Aaaanyway. You'd have to make it a symbol (movieclip is good), then give it an ID (on the properties menu).

Then you'd do it like, box4._x ++ (to go one along the x axis), box4._y ++ (to go one down the y axis (yes, flash's y axis is upside down. Remember this. Easy judgement comes from enabling "rulers" on the toolbar).
box4._xscale ++
That would increase the x scale by 1%
box4._width ++
That would increase the width by 1 pixel

But yeah. Zooming in flash. Personally I'd go with motion tween, not code. But whatever.

Maybe you could use _root.yscale or something? Maybe that would enlarge the entire movie?

Try it.

Also, tip:
Don't put code on the same frame that has an image or something in. I often make a new layer, putting it at the top of my layers called "code", and put the code there. Otherwise flash can get a little confused and stuff, doesn't like it.
In response to Elation
Thanks. I finally got it to work. I moved all of my "Frame code" to a layer of it's own, and then instead of looping to the first frame or just checking it once (which is what seemed to happen), I made it go back to frame 1 and did a loop of 3 frames before it would check each time.

I'm still not sure why it wouldn't work before, though.
In response to Kunark
Meh, some quirk of flash I guess.
I'm sure there's some obscure article about it some where.
In response to Elation
Did you guys try using Stop(); ? XD
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