Lol, you work at a video game store, big woop, doesn't mean you get 'inside' info nor know more than the next person. Most employees at video game stores don't know ANYTHING.
Also, reps. will tell you anything to garner your interests in their company. |
Jon Snow wrote:
Are you sure about that? Are you absolutely sure? Last I checked sports games in America at least were leading the sales run, but you know we sure have a lot of pokemon games in our stores here in WA, and not 50 copies of madden 05. Last I checked we have 5 copies of pokemon GBA games in the one store I run and none in any other system, versus the 25-50 copies of various sports game titles. Okay? So your little store has more Pokemon copies than Madden? Big deal, that doesn't account for how much it sells WORLDWIDE. What do you think sales more, huh? Pokemon or Sports games in Japan? Yeah. What game you see at number two in America? AND, it was released in April. Thats only 5 months. Thats pretty good, don't you think? It depends are we considering the mass majority of big name companies/software developers sony has for playstation@? Last I checked there were over 1000 titles for ps2, over 1350 for psone and a lot of those are just as good if not better than a lot of nintendo titles, and like what, 350-450 titles for nintendo's gamecube if that? Okay? So, PS2 has more titles? I want you to tally up how many of those games are developed by first and second party developers and how many second party and first party developers Sony owns and you tell me what it is. And no, people like Square Enix and Capcom do not count. Now the gameboy has a huge chunk of games I can agree that the gamecube is what kept nintendo in the gaming industry. If they didn't monopolize that area they wouldn't be where they are today. Super nintendo was awesome but so was the psone. I will agree that the Game Boy is a major aspect to their business but to say they wouldn't be where they are now is a bit far fetched. Nintendo makes a PROFIT on their consoles as well. PSOne was nice, but it was no SNES. I guess my point is you can't even really say that nintendo's going to ever beat out sony, because they can't and won't. It's like saying a company will ever make warner bro's give up the entertainment industry. They're way too large, Sony's gaming industry spans not just in their console system but they also maintain some of the biggest names for MMO's. Everquest, Everquest 2, Matrix online, star wars galaxies, and they have Final Fantasy (not to mention final fantasy online), Metal gear solid, and just soooo many great games for their system that nintendo can't even hold a candle to the titles beyond their generic mario/zelda/metroid/etc franchise. If you took away those big names it would be dead, but look at ps2 it continually comes out with big name games that aren't franchise based. God of war anyone? It's nice to have one of nintendo's quality games but like what, you'll play a great game 2 or 3 times through and then you get bored of it, and if nintendo only puts out 3 or 4 AAA games a year that are really just amazing and ps2 puts out 20 AA-AAA games, which one has a longer lasting play value? Everquest, Everquest 2, Matrix Online, Star Wars Galaxies. What do those even sale compared to Zelda, Mario and Metroid? Nothing because they can't even come to being compared. Metal Gear? I can play that on my Xbox and GCN. Konami isn't taped to Sony you know. At any moment the main Metal Gear series can go multi-platform. Final Fantasy? Oh, the game I can play on my GCN and Xbox 360 when it comes out? Also, Square Enix has hinted that the main series will go multi-platform next generation. Why? Because Square is money hungry. Why you think all those other software developers support PS2? Because it has the largest fanbase for the consoles this generation. They will support what will make them the most money, am I right? I'd rather play 3-4 AAA titles all the way through than play mediocre games I have no time to play. You going to play through 20 games apposed to 3 or 4? Don't know about you, but I don't have that much time on my hands. Lets also consider when we're considering revenue's the hand held market is vastly 2d. 2d games are considerably cheaper to produce/make and provide a larger income. Exactly why developers support the Game Boy over anything else. It will make them the most money. Just like they develop for the PS2. |
Makubezu wrote:
Lol, you work at a video game store, big woop, doesn't mean you get 'inside' info nor know more than the next person. Most employees at video game stores don't know ANYTHING. True..Once a Gamestop employee told me Sonic Adventrue 2 for DC never existed. I even bought a game that came with a SA2 demo disc from the same store..0_0 |
I just don't really see the hype for these PSP games..Its just a game system with added stuff that the DS can or will be able to do..It supposed to be for gaming no that other crap. Buying the other stuff should be optional anyways, to save you the consumer money..If you want all the stuff PSP has to take on the go, just simply buy a mp3 player and whatever else its got. Like the PSP, the Gizmondo is gonna try to pack in all the "ultra cool unneccesary features" to get people to buy it. Ultimately they WILL fail..I have no doubt about this..
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
I just don't really see the hype for these PSP games..Its just a game system with added stuff that the DS can or will be able to do..It supposed to be for gaming no that other crap. Buying the other stuff should be optional anyways, to save you the consumer money..If you want all the stuff PSP has to take on the go, just simply buy a mp3 player and whatever else its got. Like the PSP, the Gizmondo is gonna try to pack in all the "ultra cool unneccesary features" to get people to buy it. Ultimately they WILL fail..I have no doubt about this.. Exactly, and the thing is, Sony is forcing these other capabilities on the consumer and it causes the PSP to have less battery life for those that want to just play games and will never use the other features. I do not listen to music on my PSP. I have an Ipod for that. Same thing goes for videos. |
I heard watching one movie takes the whole battery. Plus, all the people I know who want a PSP want it only to listen to music..>_<
Popisfizzy wrote:
That guy's moron. I own it for the DC and played through it several times. Same, I also own SA1 and powerstone 1&2. |
Ol' Yeller wrote:
Same, I also own SA1 and powerstone 1&2. Powerstone is amazing. I want another installment in the franchise. =( |
Jon Snow wrote:
When you look at the big picture you see - umd's, mass amounts of dvd's on a portable form that hopefully in the feature will go down in price dramatically as time warrants and they will get some big titles out like grand theft auto and Final fantasy, and a whole bunch more. Hah! UMDs have lower resolution than DVDs. They're shown on a screen smaller than DVDs. They contain little or no extra features such as director's commentary. They only work on one thing, a PSP. AND they cost more than a DVD! Who wants to buy the same movies they already own on UMD when they can buy the DVD that has better quality, more features, and a price that's either equal to or lower than that of a UMD? According to this survey, almost nobody. |
yeah I agree that's why I said hopefully the price would drop lol :P
Plus, you can download movies online free and install them to the memory cards which run for a lot I know but it's an option... |
that's not something a representative of a company would tell you. That's just a fault of that guy's own ignorance.
yes when you're a sales associate you don't get jack. But when you're a store manager you go to meetings every couple of months just to learn about tons of things within the gaming world. They wouldn't tell us to say things if they were false advertisement, now would they?
I don't think it'll keep it's footing this christmas. If you look at this fall/winter line up of games Nintendo has nothing coming out that's a big title. It just released nintendogs and advance wars, and there's nothing else I think personally will sell well enough to take the picture away from all the behemoth names coming out especially in November, with the xbox 360 launching and oblivion, quake 4, etc taking the market by storm.
Jon Snow wrote:
I don't think it'll keep it's footing this christmas. If you look at this fall/winter line up of games Nintendo has nothing coming out that's a big title. It just released nintendogs and advance wars, and there's nothing else I think personally will sell well enough to take the picture away from all the behemoth names coming out especially in November, with the xbox 360 launching and oblivion, quake 4, etc taking the market by storm. Plenty..*CLears throat Mario Kart(The first online game) Lost in Blue(Interactive RPG) Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney Trauma Center : Under the Knife Viewtiful Joe Dynasty Warriors One Piece Monster Rancher(Imagine the possibilities like the playstation versions) Final Fantasy 3(EDIT intended to be 3) Animal Crossing DS The New SUper Mario Bros. DBZ Super Sonic Warriors 2 The Sims 2 NFS : Most Wanted Trust me..This list could go on forever, but I'm just showing you a sample of the great games that you THINK will stand no chance to "73h u83r p0w3r 0f 73h 1337 PSP. I wholeheartedly disagree. Plus this is Ds Vs. PSP..Not DS vs. X-Box 360..If thats the case, then how will PSP fare agaisnt the X-Box 360? |
Be happy they did, that means they're spending more time into it, making it a greater game.