...That I will not do because I don't have the time nor the patience to learn DMCGI right now.
Here is the idea:
Website deticated to matching people with certain skills to game creators or game companies that ar ein need of their skill. It's like an online job search for BYOND skills.
An employee seach would be seperated by what skills they posess, and then would be sorted based on how closely they meet the employer's needs. The skill, how many months experience, how much time they can do the job, the minimum they will want to be paid (or free). An example of a good way to do it would to require a portfolio from graphics designers, and stuff like that to make it authentic. It would also be a good idea to even list people like "Map designers" and such... Because, yes, some people do want those.
An employer search would list them by what the game's genre is.
This would be a GREAT resource for BYOND over class ads, for one it would seperate the "jobs" from the "employers", and it would make it so old posts that are just as in need of developers as the new ones would never "get old".
I could see LOTS of people using a site like this. SO if you're looking to make something that could really change BYOND for the better, this could be a site for you.
![]() Aug 29 2005, 6:05 pm
![]() Aug 29 2005, 6:09 pm
Sounds quite interesting. I think that would help quite a bit in the number of posts we have now.
Kunark wrote:
...That I will not do because I don't have the time nor the patience to learn DMCGI right now. ...and it is a good idea. I look forward to seeing you make it :) But, uh, I never took the time to look into DMCGI...what's so special about it? I mean, is it any better than a website built on HTML/JavaScript/CSS? Does it(heh) come bundled with free internet hosting? Or is it just a more complicated way of building a website via the use of a library of procs and variables? No offense to anybody. Hiead |
Hiead wrote:
Kunark wrote: It would be pretty fun to try making a site using BYOND code. I should test it out. |
Branks wrote:
It would be pretty fun to try making a site using BYOND code. I should test it out. Please do. Then tell me what you find. It almost sparks my interest enough by the simple fact that one of Nadrew's sites was built in DMCGI, a little extra push might ignite some DMCGI learning on my part. Hiead |
Well, one of the coolest things is that it interacts easily with continuously running BYOND programs. Aside from that, it's just a pretty neat system.
Well, it can be made in whatever, but I figured DMCGI because you see quite a few of those around here so there are people experienced in it, and you will need some sort of program like that to process things. You can also have them login using their BYOND key without risk of forgery.
And no, I wouldn't be able to do it :P I was going to try, but then I slapped myself on the wrist and told myself no. It would be an irresponsible decision on my part because of how much stuff I already have to worry about. This is why you haven't seen me start new games recently :P |
But, uh, I never took the time to look into DMCGI...what's so special about it? I mean, is it any better than a website built on HTML/JavaScript/CSS? Does it(heh) come bundled with free internet hosting? Or is it just a more complicated way of building a website via the use of a library of procs and variables? No offense to anybody. HTML is just a static markup language so you can't do anything dynamic with it. Javascript is just client side stuff which isn't really useful. And I think CSS is just more mark up stuff. DMCGI is run server side and handles web page requests which means you can do all sorts of cool dynamic stuff like generate pages based on data in a database and let end users interact with the database. Which is essentially necessary for what Kunark was proposing as you certainly wouldn't want to update all the site stuff manually :P. |
I have been researching DMCGI for a little one of my own "coughcough" projects.
Basicly, the neat thing about it is, if you already know DM, it's really easy to pick up on. Say you do var/html And then you can easily link pages through datums. I would be able to go into more in-depth coverage, but I gada goto school, see ya guy's later. |
Kunark wrote:
...That I will not do because I don't have the time nor the patience to learn DMCGI right now. I could make a page like that in 3 days tops. But would any one host it? Cause I know I couldn't. |
sounds like a cool idea Kunark- a sort of Monster.com for the BYOND community... hmm, maybe digitalBYOND can host something like that...
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Ahem. Anyway, this would be a great idea, I would make this myself since I know DMCGI (DM =P), but as mentioned before I have no host. This would be great, if anyone ever needed a programmer/icon artist/map maker/host or wanted to be one of the aforementioned things, they could sign-up in it. It would be even cooler if it could rank on publications, like see if they have any in DM.Libraries/DM.Demos, or have a game published in a channel, check how popular their games are, even check posts in their member page, if they are a member. It could focus on using the system more and more, by checking how often the person has requested/been requested by the system. Including a sign-up system would be beneficial as well, that way they could put in an e-mail and information. When the a person has been found for them or they a the found person, then it could send an e-mail to that e-mail address alerting them. Or they could use a location specific locating system so a player could put in their location in the world and it could find developers in a similar locating. In other words, good idea. =) |
Could this be an open-source project? Since so much of BYOND would benefit from it, it only makes sense that many BYONDers might want to contribute. Also, a website such as this will be a lot of work to update and maintian for any small group of developers, let alone one person.
I propose that an open-source project is started, with revisions sent for review and integration to digitalmouse or another willing host in order to provide the best and most up-to-date service possible. |
More than one! You can download the source to my main website using the 'source' link at http://www.nadrew.com.
That would be a good idea :) And digitalmouse I think would be a great host if he would want to do it.
Flame Sage wrote:
Say you do > var/html We'll say I did that. html=="Hey this is my website!Hey! I can add another line to the HTML!" I prefer to space between the first sentence and the second. But anyways, I guess it does seem interesting. Hiead |
So now there is one thing I would like to know prior to looking into DMCGI...how is it hosted? Via some web host, or would it be hosted like any other DM-made project in Dream Daemon/Dream Seeker?
Hiead |