- Source Code + Compiled
Whew, 3 hours of programing to dish this puppy out.
Contains Character creation, and a battle system at the moment. All I have left to do now is program a room system.
Check out the demo I threw up here, its got 1 battle in it after the character creation just to give you a taste.
Edit: Forgot to say I was learning as I wrote this. But its all mine, this wasent a example in the book.
![]() Sep 8 2005, 3:57 pm (Edited on Sep 8 2005, 4:23 pm)
<code><font color="Navy">The Temple of Brooms! A fun adventure by Jeremy Anderson MENU ----------- 1. Begin Game 2. Exit 1 So you think you can step up to the big treasure hunters huh? Well, got a name chump? Kujila Kujila huh? What are you hoping to find in the temple? Gold Gold!? Hahahaha! Nobody has ever found that in the temple! Good luck buddy! Determined to prove that guy who just started talking to you wrong You bravely roll up your stats! STR: 10 DEX: 14 WIS: 12 HP: 2 Restart Or Finish? (1/2)2 You set out on your quest to find Gold! After a short while, walking.....somewere. You find yourself at the entrance of the Legendary TEMPLE OF BROOMS! Possible Exits: Temple YOU ARE ATTACKED BY A MONSTER! You get hit for 2 damage! 0 HP remaining! Gameover! The Temple of Brooms! A fun adventure by Jeremy Anderson MENU ----------- 1. Begin Game 2. Exit 2 Farewell! You hit for 5 damage! Enemy Defeated! Hp Remaining: 0</font></code>
I can never play - it just does that for me =/ ~Kujila |
It's funny because at the level I am in C++, it looks the same as that, but using cout instead of printf (LOL IOSTREAM ROXORZ!!!1)
~Kujila |
I myself feel more at ease with procedural.