Is there a way, when using the browse proc, to tell it where to be when it opens? If so, what is the correct way to get it to position where I need 8).

On a similar thought, is there a way to prevent someone from moving focus from a browser to the game window? In my game, I use browser windows a bit, but people can still click on the map to do other stuff, when they really should be focusing on the browse.
No thoughts on how to specifically place a browser window?
In response to Kidknee
I don't believe it can be done. Some things can be done using Javascript, but as far as I know it won't work for window positioning.

As for stopping people from doing things while the browser window is up, you'll have to code this manually. Give players a temporary var (e.g. mob/player/var/tmp/canmove) that determines whether they can do anything (click, move, etc.). In every verb, check to see if it's true; and if it is, immediately return instead of doing anything else. Then set the var to 1 when you display the browser window. Don't forget to make sure you always set it to 0 afterwards, even if the player closes the window!

(Why a temporary ("tmp") var? So that it won't get saved in savefiles.)
In response to Crispy
I see. Given the sheer volume of verbs I have in my game at the moment, I think I will pass on hard coding that in just now.

Do you know of a quick way to disable movement, then reenable it, while we are on the subject?