Before I get into it, let me just say that some of this thread might seem a little flakey, but it IS something to give some serious consideration. I tried to limit religious references and politics to avoid offending anyone. I would merely like some input.
Years ago, I don't remember the name, but some company in France bought fingerprint databases from different countries for one reason or another. This was about the same time that one "blue" credit card with the smart chip was being touted as possibly upgrading to the use of fingerprints for security purposes. As I said, this was years ago, and so I have not given it much thought of late.
But now, there are two things going on in recent "Current Events" that give me great concern. Some time in this past two week period, I remember either seeing on TV or reading in my local newspaper where Brittain was going to implement new IDs in which people weren't to smile. This caught my attention because there were some sci fi type programs which involved the technology they are speaking of using in these new ID cards. The technology supposes that every person has unique characteristics contained on their face within a triangular region containing their eyes and brows, nose, parts of the cheeks, and part of the mouth. Apparently, the features contained within a specifically measured area are unique enough to be almost as usable as fingerprints.
The new IDs are not enough to simply make you say "Hmmm", unless you have seen the recent commercials advertising computers that now allow the user to swipe his or her fingerprint in place of passwords. Hmmmm.
In the good book it mentions a time when there will be a mark on the head or a mark on the hand that will be given out (or in the case of the above technologies, assigned a position in a global database, ie the internet) and if one refuses to accept it, one will not be able to even obtain goods and services, and will suffer much persecution. It also says that the end will come upon us as a thief in the night. If any of you have read the "Twins" trilogy from the Dragonlance fantasy books, Weiss and Hickman did a wonderful portrayal of how those in power can brush off all claims of a looming disaster that was foretold (if anyone even believes in prophecy).
All that being said, feel free to ridicule, poke, prod, laugh out loud if you must, but know this. These events caught at least one person's attention. I merely throw them out there for others to ruminate on and discuss.
![]() Sep 20 2005, 5:40 pm
Well..If somehow it does happen(I doubt it won't be in the next few years), I hope I won't be alive to experience the Apocalypse which could be caused by technological advancements or otherwise..
The good book also dedicates more than a few passages to describe what you should and should not do with reproductive fluids. And people have been violating those rules, pardon the pun, for quite some time now. =P
Yes but I am not delving into the subject that is mostly taboo here in the states (ie sex). I am posing speculations on the possibility of the end times, so-called, closing in on the world at large.
Kidknee wrote:
In the good book it mentions a time when there will be a mark on the head or a mark on the hand that will be given out (or in the case of the above technologies, assigned a position in a global database, ie the internet) and if one refuses to accept it, one will not be able to even obtain goods and services, and will suffer much persecution. "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom: Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." It's quite a leap of interpretation to go from "a mark consisting of the name of the beast or a number representing its name will be given on your forehead" to "your central facial features will be registered in a global database." Not that equally great leaps of interpretation haven't been taken with this passage before, but that's just the problem--if you allow for a sufficiently loose interpretation of a prophecy, then anything can be twisted into the prophecy's fulfillment. When they start stamping your forehead to take your ID, then we'll have something to worry about. Just asking people not to smile, though--that's just doing everyone a favor, since we know ID pictures are doomed to turn out poorly anyhow. |
I agree with Leftley. If they stamp a barcode on your wrist, move to another country and pray. :P
I honestly think that "it" won't happen in my lifetime. People have been predicting the end of the world for thousands of years. Year 1000? Nah, didn't happen. Y2K? Nope. Don't count your chickens until they hatch. Also, your post is taking a very christian perspective. Honestly, NO one knows if it's right, and no one ever will unless it happens. Hell, buddhism's end of the world could happen. Though, I do predict a huge thread encompassing the Community forum, and the result of that will be I don't check the BYOND forums for 2 weeks! Let's see if it happens! 1 little chicken, 2 little chicken. |
This is exactly the point though. The whole concept of taking this mark is so abhorrent to millions of people around the world, especially here in the States, that people go to great lengths to avoid anything even remotely resembling the taking of such a mark.
As with a great many things in the book we are speaking of, literal interpretation is not the best way to go. Symbolism is key in interpretting most passages therein, such as the parables of some of its major passages. The symbollic taking of a mark in the two aforementioned places could be as simple a thing as letting yourself be identified by things you already have, such as facial features or fingerprints, on a global database, or even just locally. It would be downright sneaky for these two marks to be put upon us in such a fashion. Speaking of sneaky, I would wager you didn't know that there is a federal regulation prohibitting the use of anyone's social security number for identification purposes. Hmmmmm. No one pays that one any mind any more. |
Indeed I would welcome hearing what other religions and cultures that differ from my own have to say about the end of times. I am merely pointing out recent events that fit with my fears for the future.
Incidentally, I did for a time worry about the whole y2k issue, but not in the way most others did. Some speculate the year 2012 as the final year, especially since that is when that calender is supposed to end (or was it Mayan, someone give me a correction on this please). |
And who's to say that any religion is right? It may all be a set of coincidences that people are drawing inferences from. You might just be drawing connections to the Bible (and who's to say thats accurate at all?) from modern references.
I just want to end this thread before it grows too massive. Messages like this on BYOND tend to get out of control and push any other threads away. |
I'm not Christian, as my other post pretty obviously attests to, but I don't want a mark on my forehead, or a mark on my hands.
Why? Because they have no right to modify my body. My body is mine. Nothing to do with some kind of fear of Satan or a desire to become an opponent of biometrics. =) |
Tiko wrote:
And who's to say that any religion is right? It may all be a set of coincidences that people are drawing inferences from. You might just be drawing connections to the Bible (and who's to say thats accurate at all?) from modern references. As I implied earlier, its all symbollic. I am not saying one religion is right over any other. Its all based on perceptions and background beliefs anyway. I am just looking for some input on the possibility of the two technologies I mentioned in my initial post leading to one of the most feared events of prophecy within a culture I belong to coming to pass. |
I'm going to try my best to avoid the rest of this, but for the part about not wanting people to smile for their ID pictures is not something new, or something too irrational...
In fact, years ago, my own parents mentioned that they discouraged smiling (or at least, didn't go "Smile!") when taking your driver's license pictures... Why? Well, a smiling face is often quite different looking than a non-smiling face... In some cases, it is such a switch in the person's overall look that you need to put forth bit of effort in making the match... Well, people aren't smiling all of the time... Especially in most cases where someone needs to be looking at your ID (getting pulled over by the police, perhaps, maybe even at night?)... So, why should a picture that is used to identify you at random, and mosttimes non-smiling instances, depict you with a smile? So, ID pictures are actually better for their purpose if you're not smiling... Enforcing that is just a logical step in making things easier on those that use them to verify your identity when necessary... It makes it easier, faster, and more fool-proof if your picture on your ID matches what your current facial expression is likely to be... |
There's also the fact that ID cards can be used to identify you upon death or in an accident. While it's pretty easy to match a photo to a corpse, especially if you found the ID on them, it adds an extra level of clairty if the expression is the same.
The other thing is it's much harder to force a smile than to get rid of one. Most people's forced smiles look nothing like their natural smiles. |
Guys, please don't insult people's religions - I won't mention you by name, but you know who you are. If you're one of those people, please re-read the community standards.
I'm afraid this thread skirts much too close to the "no religion posts" rule, as evidenced by the fact that it has generated flames (now deleted). Thread closed. |
I think I might do some research about this. :P