Here is the code.
icon = 'NPCs.dmi'
icon_state = "Namek1"
set src in oview(2)
switch(alert("Would you like to enter the world?", ,"Yes","No"))
switch(alert("What kind of hair would you like?", ,"Goku","Bald"))
usr.overlays += 'Hair-Goku.dmi'
usr.loc = locate(3,3,1)
usr <<"Ok. good choice. Who needs hair?"
usr.loc = locate(3,3,1)
alert("Fine. Your choice. Come back when you are ready to go.")

icon = 'NPCs.dmi'
icon_state = "Human1"
set src in oview(2)
switch(alert("Would you like to learn about fighting?", ,"Yes","No"))
switch(alert("Here is what you need to know. In order to fight, you must have an enemy, for one. For two, you must be in a fighting stance. For three, You must be confident. If you dont know your enemy's PL, go into battle confident. Dont go in, hit and run. Fight to the death. You will earn Fighter Respect like this. Talk to the Buu in the white to learn more about Fighter Respect."))
switch(alert("You will need to learn sooner or later."))

When you see if("NO") on the NPC Huma, it now says EXPECTED IF OR ELSE. When I change it to ELSE, it says the same thing.
you might consdier the changing your human code into this:

icon = 'NPCs.dmi'
icon_state = "Human1"
set src in oview(2)
switch(alert("Would you like to learn about fighting?", ,"Yes","No"))
alert(src,"Here is what you need to know. In order to fight, you must have an enemy, for one. For two, you must be in a fighting stance. For three, You must be confident. If you dont know your enemy's PL, go into battle confident. Dont go in, hit and run. Fight to the death. You will earn Fighter Respect like this. Talk to the Buu in the white to learn more about Fighter Respect.")
alert(src,"You will need to learn sooner or later.")

Note that thsi is completely untested. And i have absolutely NO CLUE why you had switch(alert("")) after the yes and no things.

:Final Comment:

UGH, to many damn DBZ GAMES! MAKE EM' STOP!!!!
In response to Yattasparagus
If you actually played the better DBZ games, they're quite fun. They're more like, PK games really.

Now, alert() takes arguments in an order, so, let's break this down.

Alert(This is the header, second argument)
Text(This is the text, first argument)
Button(s)(This is the 3rd+ argument(s))
In response to Sinoflife
Yes, they are very entertaining. But you dont see the point behind this DBZ game. I dispise DBZ with all my heart. So, In a depserate attemt to try to make them die out, I am making this one. I say, if we can get all the DBZers attracted to like, 3 or 4 of them that are out there. They will stop showing up at the other ones (ZETAS and such.) Which means they will stop being made.

Thanks for the help guys.
In response to WindShock
Its been tryed, and kinda worked, so i hope this works to. Good Luck. BTW, i believe my revision of your human code works. (90% sure at the moment, i can see no errors)
In response to Yattasparagus
Thank you. I will report back if your idea works.
In response to Yattasparagus
I thank you very much. It woked indeed. I am not a veteran coder, but I try. I need to master vars and procs or Im not going to get anywhere. Dang. Well, I deeply appreciate it.


In response to Yattasparagus
OH, one bug in it.

With the alert(SRC,"Text")
The SRC throws it off track, and it dont send it to the user. It jus does nothing. I had to take the SRC out. Thanks though.
In response to WindShock
alert() defaults to usr.