Alright. How to put this, I would show you the full log, but some people were deciding it was time to use full caps and curse, although they didn't make too much difference. I will admit I cursed quite a bit too, but not to anyone important. not to anyone anyway, I was quite mad.

Key "Nadrew" connected for the 1st time at approx. 22:48:31 10/06/2005.
Ter13 OOC's: "The result will be "Needs some work, and get rid of borrowed icons.""
Nadrew OOC's: "Lemme know when there's a more unique game here."
Key "Nadrew" disconnected at approx. 22:49:52 10/06/2005 after playing for about 0:01:03.
Ter13 OOC's: "I'm not poking fun, but I'm just stating my mind."
Ter13 OOC's: "And he didn't have much incentive to stick around, or he would have."
Ter13 OOC's: "90% of a game's allure is the first impression."
Ter13 OOC's: "Stope, I invited him in."
Ter13 OOC's: "Er... Buzzy, I was the REASON he came in."
Ter13 OOC's: "I'm sorry, but I think that was just damn funny."
Ter13 OOC's: "He wasn't here to review it, Buzzy, don't worry."
Ter13 OOC's: "He was just bustin' your chops."
Ter13 OOC's: "Well, I've had my laugh for the night, don't take it too personally, man. I am not here to tear you down, or to piss you off. I have no problem with you."

As part of the BYOND staff, I don't think Nadrew should be joking around about this, I waited for a good 3-4 months for a review, kinda over how long it should take. But to just come in, and pull off a joke at my expense is just plain cruel. Not having the time to review it because your busy, cool, I understand, but if the reason you don't have enough time is because you're too busy pulling off jokes about reviewing a game, I don't find cool.

Me and Nadrew have never really gotten along, I know I can get annoying, I guess you can say he hates me, but I feel nuetral towards him, atleast I used to, pulling off this kinda made me dislike him and lose any little respect I ever had. He should have seriously reviewed it.
Hmm..I can't say anything about that. But HE himself wasn't the one who insulted yoour game. He only said it needs to be more unique.
You should have gotten a page saying I wasn't there to review it, I just logged in to check it out -- personally I found the game slugish and a bit hard on newbies.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I did not mention him insulting the game, I said he shouldn't have made this into a joke.
In response to Buzzyboy
How did he make it into a joke? From what you posted, he said that one thing and left..
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Of course, he cuts the part out about the RPGMaker turfs... Not a surprise.

Nadrew had reason to say what he said. Your game isn't far enough for a review, Buzzy, and there is literally no point to stick around.

And besides, the BYOND staff has too much to do in too little time. Do you think they want to review a game that isn't even close to finished? No. Do you think they want to review a game whose point is "Yarrh... They bee monsterses, yoo kill deh monsterzes for no pahticulah reezon!"... I think not.

I mean, I think the published channel should be reserved for the elite of BYOND games, not the upcoming and unoriginal.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
He was talking to Tac. I guess they are buddies or something.
In response to Nadrew
Make sure you give him suggestions when you do review it to how he could make it so it would be accepted. I heard that it has some problems with it, especially after PirateHead's post, but I don't think he realizes what those problems are yet.

I hope to see this game accepted sometime soon, it's definately a lot more promising than some of the other stuff in RPG *cough* Morte *cough*.
In response to Buzzyboy

Who is Tac?

He logged in, said something, then left. 1:03 is about all you need to see everything that game has to offer.

Though, I have to say, you are a good admin. I saw you mute your best friend for being a troll, good work. Not many would do that.
In response to Ter13
My game is already better then the games in the RPG channel. And far from being finished? Isn't that all a matter of opinion? I'll probly keep working on this games for years. It will just about never be finished.
In response to Ter13
Let's kick every damn game in RPG out then, accept like, maybe 2.

There is like 1 game in there that has more of a point than that, which is an unfinished game, Teh Blobz, and there is games in there that not only is that their point, but every damn graphic they use is RPGMaker!
In response to Kunark
Now, I bet you think I was going to have to backtrack because you made such an extreme point, but here's the left hook: I agree totally.
In response to Ter13
Alright, Ter, lets hear you seriously sum up my whole game. If you miss a feature, I will fill you in.
In response to Ter13
Right. Although I don't agree with what is in RPG, I don't think his game should be disregarded for these things when other games in RPG violate the rules.
In response to Buzzyboy
My game is already better then the games in the RPG channel. <--Isn't that all a matter of opinion?

Yes, it is. Finished does not mean 100% finished. It merely means in a completely playable state with a good chunk of a core system finished. Your game feels "alpha testish".

Maybe it's a matter of opinion, but I've been around BYOND for 5 years now. I know what will and will not pass a review, and I know what criteria are judged harder by which admins... I stated an opinion and a fact. The opinion being that the game needed a lot more work, and the fact being they would tell you that.

Do what you want, but being so touchy isn't going to give you much respect around here. Plus, when a player logs in, it's not customary to tell them that everyone hates them. Did I take offense to being insulted not only by you, but by your monkey of a friend? No. I sat, and maturely dealt with it. Then, you challenge me to bring a reviewer into your game, and I do, in a matter of ten seconds, and you take offense to my opinion, which is not only dead on, but almost totally quoted by Nadrew...

Who looks level-headed here?

Give up, Nadrew is a good member of the community, and knows what he is doing. Some little tiss with you isn't going to get him in trouble with anyone.