how to make "boom"(explode) skill?
like Vegetas Suicide :]
world<<"Boom! [src] did teh suicide loalwlwlwl!!111"
In response to Artemio
for(var/mob/m in oview(4))
In response to Evi of au
thanks but... how to make animation?
In response to Ripiz
for(var/mob/m in oview(4))
usr.icon_state = "boom"
In response to Mysame
i mean around him... that will be animation around him and it will do damage
In response to Ripiz
Ripiz wrote:
i mean around him... that will be animation around him and it will do damage

You'll have to do the damage part yourself, though. If you're having any trouble with it post back here.

In response to O-matic
thanks. i think i can add this. if i have problems i will ask for help :}
In response to O-matic
ok i get that code. i added it but.......
how to make that explode make damage? i mean not to one ppl but to all ppl in oview=3
In response to Ripiz
Ripiz wrote:
ok i get that code. i added it but.......
how to make that explode make damage? i mean not to one ppl but to all ppl in oview=3

for(var/mob/M in oview(3))
spawn(210) // waits 210 ticks, in the meanwhile the rest of the verb is being executed.

for (var/turf/T in range(src,3))

Untested, but I'm pretty sure it'll work :)

In response to O-matic
i wanted to ask how to use that for ?
In response to Ripiz
Ripiz wrote:
i wanted to ask how to use that for ?

Umm... what?
In response to O-matic
how to use command "for" ?
In response to Ripiz
Look it up in Dream Maker. It's very simple.

1 - Open up Dream Maker.
2 - Hit F1
3 - Click the 'Topic' tab in the window that comes up.
4 - Type 'For'
5 - Doubleclick the entry 'For proc'.
6 - Read.
In response to Jp

O-Matic, I tested that code. It don't do damage !
In response to Ripiz
Ripiz wrote:

O-Matic, I tested that code. It don't do damage !

Yes it does!! Have you tested it on NPC's or on clients (real players)?

In response to O-matic
NPC just run away !!!!!!!!!!!! even a ZSword !

I tested again (on clients)and now i saw that it do damage but damage ise done after explode turf disappers
In response to Ripiz
Ripiz wrote:
NPC just run away !!!!!!!!!!!! even a ZSword !

I think you're smart enough to figure out how to remove that on your own, as for the "ZSword" it probably also is a mob (NPC), not quite smart of you, is it? That's what you get when you're using the Zeta source for your game.

I tested again (on clients)and now i saw that it do damage but damage ise done after explode turf disappers.

I thought you wanted the damage during the explosion :|

And are you sure that the turf dissapears? Try it again once more, because I don't see anything in the code that can cause turfs dissapear, it is an overlay, so I don't see why the turf is being deleted.


In response to O-matic
i mean icon that appers in explode zone(explode overlay). damage is done after it disappers. but ok. thanks anyway for help =]]

i want that you help me again =] you helped me with this but now i need...

when I explode i want that apper overlay of explosion. like in final resurrection appers explode overlay under target after spirit bomb hits it