My three favorites are Warheads, Twizzlers, and Fun Dip. I remember eating Fun Dip as a young kid and having my tongue go all numb and then saving the second stick to eat all by itself. Warheads were really popular a few years ago and they seemed to die out a bit, but I still got some this year. Twizzlers are just good, buy a 5 pound box of strawberry and you're set.

Anyone else have some favorite candies?

EDIT: That was fast!
I like all of those, and share the Fun Dip experience.
Some of my personal favorites are DOTS, Gummy Bears, Gummy Worms, Sour Brite Crawlers of all sorts, gummi anything.
Hm...Twizzlers! AND SOur Patch Kid, and those sour Punch straw things..
Mounds - Just plain awesome

Smarties - They're just addictive, eat 9 rolls and then try to stop, you'll see.

Pop Rocks - Do I need to explain?

Mentos - Put 10 in a 2-liter of Coca-Cola and you'll see why. One word of warning, though: Put them in at the same time real fast or it won't work.

Milk Duds

Those mints from "world's finest chocolate"

Hershey's Special Dark

In response to Kujila
OH,I love those also!
In response to Kujila
Yeah, I forgot Special Dark. Just Chocolicious.


Hersheys(Kisses, Dark, basicly all of em)

Fun dip..I agree..Kept the last one to eat by itself


Double Bubble Gum

Candy Corn(Can't get enough)

Twizzlers..ewww..dont like em
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD

Ok, just kidding, but wow I feel like some Candy Korn now...
In response to Sniper Joe
Hm..Idk why..But twizzlers were okay last time I tried them(About 3-5 years ago). Maybe I need to retry them..But I will never..ever...ever..Even THINK about eating a black twizzie. 0_0
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Those are evil...
In response to Sniper Joe
*Makes disgusted noise*

I hate candy corn. This is where it rates slightly above dog crap on my list of nasty stuff.

Back on-topic:

I like warheads, but haven't had them in a while. My favorite are probably Snickers, Carmello's, or Twix.
Oranges, especially all the mini varieties.
In response to Loduwijk



Now and Laters

Hershey's Chocolate(Almonds)

Air Buds

Air Buds X-Treme

Gum(all kinds)


Wait nvm..
In response to Kalizen
You reminded meh..I like Jolly ranchers..^_^
In response to Kalizen
Air Buds...So you like to eat Little yellow dogs..
I think you mean "Air Heads".
Taking about 10 skittles and putting them in pepsi. after there in throw the pop in the fridge, after about 15 mins its ready.

veryyyy good.
In response to Sniper Joe
I'm a fan of anything Reese's... Pieces, PB Cups, Fudge PB Cups, Inside-out PB Cups, White-chocolate PB Cups, Fast Breaks, Snack Bars, ice cream, Puffs cereal, etc...

Peanut Butter + Chocolate = Awesome

I also really enjoy Peanut Butter M&Ms (for they satisfy the above equation very well)
Oh man, Warheads...I haven't had one of those in a long time. I loved them, not just because they where good, but because they made me a fortune in middleschool. I would buy a bag for 1.00USD, it would have like 25, then I would go and sell them at school for .50USD a peice. Do the math, thats a great gain.
1250% if my calculations are correct. No wait, that's not right.. 125%...Something like that, they cost .04USD for 1, and I sold them for .50USD, so whatever. Lots of money, little effort.

I like gummie stuff, personally. Give me a big bag of gummie worms and I will be happy for hours.
In response to Scoobert
Heh, I did the same thing -- then I sold the little plush things you got with 50 points. =D
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