
Problem description:

nowt major.. just started on a new game and i lost my old attack system.. so i used a coding help one... thing is though it comes up with errors saying

M defined type: M

how i sort that out ?
kk u must b a n00b coder or just dumb LoL ok im guessing this problem comes up in a VERB so heres what u shud do if its a verb
(TAB)(TAB)Attack(mob/M in world)

(tab) = the tab button
In response to JRR-Zero
all the problems are where you put usr or src...

on this coding i got, it uses M

and i changed all the M to usr and vise vesa and even though the errors go... the monsters won't attack now....

In response to Ultifighter
dude u need (mob/M in world) or (mob/M) usr & src = PC's
mob/M = NPC's & PC's

if you stuck post the coding by putting (<(dm>)then (</dm)>) no () lol
In response to JRR-Zero
u cnat relly sya what he need boy he show no cdoe n00b LOL


We can't exactly pinpoint the problem in the code if you don't show it to us. There is no specific way to make a code, and therefore no specific way to have it, JRR-Zero, I'm looking at you.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
all he told me was he had M as undifend so i told him how u define it in my second posti did say post the coding if u read it :P

who likes my new avater
In response to JRR-Zero
icon = 'icons.dmi'
icon_state = "badguy"
hp = 10 //badguys hp
New() //Starts a ummm way I can describe it
.=..() //continue as normal before next lines of codes
spawn(1) //wait for 1/10 of a second
Look() //starts the Look() proc
Bump(mob/M) //when badguy bumps into someone, thing it bumps into is M
if(M.client) //M is a client
MonsterAttack(M) //goes to monsterattack send M
icon = 'icons.dmi'
icon_state = "peacefulguy"
hp = 10 //peacefulguys hp
New() //Starts a ummm way I can describe it
.=..() //continue as normal before next lines of codes
spawn(1) //wait for 1/10 of a second
NonAggresiveLook() //starts the Look() proc
Bump(mob/M) //when peacefulguy bumps into someone, thing it bumps into is M
if(M.client) //M is a client
MonsterAttack(M) //goes to monsterattack send M
sword //the pic of the sword that appears when you attack
icon = 'icons.dmi'
icon_state = "sword"
Attack() //the verb name, look no var/mob/M in oview(1)
if(src.attacking == 0) //if 0 it attacks if 1 it doesnt
var/obj/K = new/obj/sword //assigns the sword to K
// PLEASE keep in mind that the sword is a visual effec it does no real damage
src.attacking = 1 //makes it so you cant attack while it equals 1
K.dir = src.dir //make the direction of K(sword) the direction of the player
K.loc = src.loc //gives the loc of K(sword) the same as the player
step(K, dir) //K(sword) take a step in the direction of the player
var/turf/X = K.loc //the turf the sword is on
spawn(3)//this nifty thing sleeps for the lines underneath it but continues the rest of the code as normal
del(K) //deletes the visual sword
for(var/mob/M as mob in X) //the mob (if any) that is in the loc of the sword
if(M == src) //if that mob is the player, it continues out of the loop
var/damage = rand(1,5) //assigns a random number between 1 and 5 to damage
if(prob(70))//You got a 70% chance of it continueing and not going to the else
src<<"You attack [M] for [damage] damage!" //says you attack
M<<"[src] attacks you for [damage] damage!" //tells the mob (in case that mob is another player) you attacked them
M.hp -= damage //the mobs hp is subtracted by the number in damage
if(M.hp <= 0) //if the mobs hp is less than or equal to 0
else //if you didn't hit
src<<"You attempt to attack [M] but miss!" //says player miss
M<<"[src] attempts to attack you but misses!" //tells the M player missed
sleep(7) //code sleeps for 7/10 of a second, this is waht keeps marcos for super fast attacks
src.attacking = 0
Look() //name of the proc
var/mob/usr/M //makes the variable M which has to be mob/usr
while(src) //while src is still alive
if(M in oview(5)) //looks for a mob/usr in oview(5)
walk_to(src,M,1,4) //src walks to M until it is within 1 block away, moving 4/10th of a second
if(M in oview(1)) //checks if M is in oview(1), if true it continues
step_towards(src,M) //src step towards M which cause the bump()
else //if M isnt in oview(1)
step_rand(src) //steps randomly on the field
break //breaks out of while loop
else //if M isnt in oview(5)
for(M in view(src)) //for every M that is in view of src
break //breaks out of while loop
sleep(5) //sleeps half a sec before re-doing loop
spawn(2) //waits 2/10 a second before continue to do Look() again
Look() //redoes loop
NonAggresiveLook() //name of proc
var/mob/usr/M //variable M has to be mob/usr
while(src) //while src is stil kickin
if(M in oview(5)) //if M is in oview(5)
if( in src.killlist) //now if is in src.killlist, this has it only attack if attacked!
walk_to(src,M,1,4) //src walks to M until 1 block away, moving 4/10ths of a second
if(M in oview(1)) //if M is in oview(1)
step_towards(src,M) //src steps toward M
else //if isnt in src.killlist
sleep(15)//pauses for 1 and 1/2 seconds
step_rand(src) //step randomly on the field
break //breaks out of the while loop
else //if M isnt in oview(5)
for(M in view(src)) //for all Ms in view(src)
break //breaks out of the while loop
sleep(5) //pauses 1/2 second before redoing loop
spawn(2) // pauses 2/10 of second before redoing proc
NonAggresiveLook() //redoes proc
MonsterAttack(mob/M) //the proc name for the monster attacking, defines M as usr
var/dodamage = rand(1,src.mondamage) //assigns dodamage random number 1 out of src's damage (3)
var/hit = rand(1,100) //assigns a random numer of 1 though 100 to hit
if(hit <= 50) //if hit is less than or equal to 50, it continues
M.hp -= dodamage //minuses usr hp by dodamage
M<<"[src] hit you for [dodamage] damage!" //says how much
else //if hit is greater than 50
M<<"[src] attempted to hit you but misses!" //says src missed
if(M.hp <= 0) //if M.hp less than or equal to 0
death(M) //sends M to death proc
death(mob/M) //death proc with M as usr or as the creature you killed
if(M.client) //if M is a client (player)
M.loc = locate(1,1,1) //sends M to 1,1,1 on map
M.hp = 30 //makes usr hp = 30 so they have full hp
else //if M isnt a client
del(M) //delete M from game
mondamage = 3 //monsters damage
killlist = list("") //the peaceful's monster kill list, if you attack you name gets in here
attacking = 0
In response to JRR-Zero
Don't use (tab) to denote tabnessness, just press spacebar 3-4 times.
In response to JRR-Zero
Reguardless, there is no use in giving him code that won't help in the slightest bit.