src.weight = rand(120,250)
src.height = rand(48,79)
src.age = rand(15,28)
Problem description: Well, I figured that people would eventually catch on to how I generated certain portions of the game, so I decided to add a random stat generater. You will be given no option to reroll but I still think people will relog to get better stats, but meh, what can I do about this?
When you start a game, you are given stats. I want those stats to be within the range I have set. For the weight, I want it to be no less then 120 pounds and no more then 250 pounds, and so on. However, with this peice of code, I get negative stats and such, which in this case won't do at all. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Problem Answer: It apparently wasn't my use of rand() that was wrong, another proc the game uses just decides to work when it wants too, thus messing up certain calculations.
According to the DM Reference:
So I don't know whats wrong.