How would I go about coding multi-tiled Icons into my game?
Somebody released a library to this effect fairly recently. I think it was Maeva's creator, DerDragon. Lummox JR also included a framework for implementaion of multi-tiled graphics in his DmiFonts library. If you just want to paint a large graphic onto the map, you can use the Dream Maker Icon Editor's "Import" function to break a large PNG up into many 32x32 DMI iconstates.
In response to PirateHead
No, I want players to be able to walk around with 2/3/4 icons. Where would I find the tutorial?
In response to KirbyRules
MultiTile library.. If you'd just look for 2 seconds.. >.>
In response to Mysame
Sorry, I looked but I didn't see it. I found it the second time I looked though.
basically you're going to have to learn overlays if you want to do it the easy way. Basically you're going to offset the pixels of an overlay so it fits nicely. Overlays will do movement animations on par with the normal icon as far as I recall so animations shouldn't be a problem.