![]() Dec 19 2005, 6:24 am
In response to Shades
Oh snaps! I didn't expect that one.
The object of discussion should not be built upon an ego or egos, rather, the goal should be to define truth in the simplest of terms. A man who does not accept correction is a fool, and he wastes time by speaking to others as he is incapable of thoughts higher than his own. An opinion is personel until it is expressed in a public forum, from that moment on the idea becomes public domain. For if it were not public, than the one who expressed the said viewpoint should forfeit his right to voice it as it matters only to himself. It is our right to be wrong, it is our right to say what we think; those things belong to us. It is not our right to force our viewpoints as it invades personel domain.
Discussion does not bring victory, it brings enlightenment. An arguement however, brings strife. The line between the two is a fine one indeed. To criticize an idea is acceptable, to criticize a man is not (in the context of a formal discussion). I write these ideals as open to further interpretation or discussion, however, I voice my opinion because of the deplorable manner in which Shades conducted himself in a trivial conversation with Jon Snow. It isn't of much importance, but it did draw my sympathy. |
Hype pulls in a lot of people. I admit it--I bought FFVII in hope it would be as good as they said. I aslo bought H1, but guess what, I was disappointed with both.
Very well said.
Sadly not many people now days (including myself) stay within those boundries and lines that you have said. After all there wouldn't be wars if we all had the same ideas. An arguement is almost like two animals fighting in the wild to keep their genes in the world... except instead of genes it's ideas. It's interesting how ideas allow us to adapt to situations like some of the benefits that genes give us. Except they allow us to adapt to situations in a matter of seconds which is something genes could never offer (that we know of). |
AlexisOnFire wrote:
Devil May Cry series: 3 titles, 4.7 million salesDevil May Cry wasnt the PS2's biggest game, compare Halo 2 with Final Fantasy X (7 million copies)or better yet, Final Fantasy 7 (8.7 million copies) [Stats from: http://naturalflux7.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58] Verdict: Final Fantasy > Halo |
Jon Snow wrote:
It's interesting how ideas allow us to adapt to situations like some of the benefits that genes give us. Except they allow us to adapt to situations in a matter of seconds which is something genes could never offer (that we know of). Sure is! =) I don't know if you've heard of meme theory before or not, but that's pretty much what you're describing. |
Kasper4sale wrote:
Halo 3 is coming out the day ps3 comes out....I THINK IS GOING TO BE GREAT...XD Actually the only game that I found entertaining in Halo so far is Halo 1, because it had good graphics of its time and it's multiplayer is somewhat fast paced. Halo 2, I hear, sucks. From what I hear, the weapons are unbalanced, maps buggy, and immature idiots screaming "f*** you" everytime they get killed while playing over Xbox Live. However, if Half-Life 3 came out for the next-gen console, it would most possibly compell even me, the avid PC enthusiast, to purchase a console! Microsoft should lay off of the Halo series and try to invest in Half Life. Also, even better, would be to allow console players to create their own mods instead of only letting the PC gamers mod the game. |
The 360 sales tatic hurt them ALOT, because if they had did a normal shipping, then it would'nt have hurt there sales, but instead it allowed people to just sit back and wait and see how it turned out. Now that people have seen on the news that the Xbox 360 was buggy, then that steered some people to wait for a new shipment or just reserve a Ps3 very early.
Another thing is, the Xbox 360 has poor release games, the only games that they've release that were good were King Kong(83), Project Gotham(94), and Perfect Dark Zero(84). Oh yeah and call of Duty(96), so yeah, with the lack of GOOD games, the critcs deemed the Xbox360 a failure. Especially with the poor Scores on their most popular sports games Madden '06( 76 compared to Ps2 and Xbox's 86), and NBA 2k6(69 compared to Ps2 and Xbox's 81). Two of my biggest Xbox360 failures were Quake 4 and Gun, those were supposed to be some of the best release games, instead Quake gets a 74, and gun gets close to an 80. So, i doubt many people even have a 360, or want to get one, many who are console savvy, you'd probably go with the Ps3, but if you're a hardcore fan, you'd probably wait it out with the Xbox. Anywho,i don't think Halo 3 will hurt the ps3's sales one bit. Just because the Xbox 360 has started off slow, and i don't think one game can change a whole system's fortune, if that does happen, i'll be shocked. |
Multi-player is just that you choose from 1 or 2 matches, and you go onto a map and kill people. Just like any other FPS, but really TSBS games like RBS(RainBow six) and GR(Ghost Recon) beat Halo online wise.
SuperAntx wrote:
Metal Gear > Halo. You have to use your brain in Metal Gear =) Since when? Or are you one of those rare people that've never played a Tom Clancy PC game? I remember burning a path through MGS2 when my brother got it, and the last fight, what a joke. |
SuperAntx wrote:
I'd rather make a game people liked insted of one that sold well. Can I buy your company's stock and use it as toliet paper, because that'd be all its good for. News flash, games are made with the idea of selling well first, and 'good quality' being second. Lotsof older console games are a hell of alot better than most modern games, which are simply better graphics, and some watered-down crap, with better controls. |
SuperAntx wrote:
It could mean people got caught up in all the hype. Don't get me wrong, it was a good game but a lot of people only got it because everyone else had it. Oh, you mean like with FF7? ;) now there's a game that got a huge boost because of being new in its class. Decent story and gameplay, but revolutionary graphics (and console really since PSX wasn't all that well known till alittle bit before FF7's release). DQ8 is having the same effect. It's not as good as the previous ones, but the new setup is just captivating to so many people, plus the difficulty isn't almost overbearing like DW7's was. |
Mechanios wrote:
Pshh Metal Gear Solid Series > Halo series. All the way. Besides online in Halo 2 is getting really boring. all my brother talks about is getting is overall level up. On and on. I swear, -Energizer Bunny-. But yeah. Micrsoft is gonna hurt bad for releasing a bugged console. You mean like how Sony was hurting after realizing the PS2 with its slew of issues? Oh wait no, PS2 sales, and game sales are doing just fine and have been ever since they fixed that first batch of problems. To assume M$ won't do the same is rather silly. |
Dark_Shadow_Ninja wrote:
That's funny, because I can build a computer for about 300~400 (without a monitor) that would run most games decently. I think it's funny that Super Mario Brothers is the best sold video game of all time(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_Bros.) and many other sources seem to agree.(Well in north america, tetris is the most sold overall.) Hey, can I let you in on a secret? wikipedia isn't a 100% accurate site, and anyone who wants to edit it can do so. People need to stop thinking that site is a godsend when some peopel have put false information on it to purposely screw with people who have to google every little thing. |
Sales sucked on the sports games because people are finally realizing how utterly stupid they've been for paying $50 a year for a roster update and slightly better graphics.
Then stop bitching and fix it. Remove the false information, cite your source on the talk page to back yourself up, and bathe in the warm glow of the knowledge that you have reduced the amount of misinformation in the world.
Either that, or stop using the tired old "it's a wiki so if you use it to back yourself up then you're obviously wrong" fallacy to prove your points. |
That's not entirely true, because in some cases, you'd get something totally original, though i agree, in most cases, games like madden, through '04 and '05 released a game with one new feature, and depended on the name of the franchise to out sale the better game(NFL 2k4-5). Though, there are many football fanatics, so really, it's worth it to pay an extra 50$ for a roster Update, and 1 or 2 new features, it's like an Expansion pack for a MMORPG game.
Metal Gear Solid beats out Tom Clancy's games, because the story and plot or ridicously un-original, can't you see the pattern? Like AntX said, it's basically a bunch of Terrorist threats and consipracy theorys. Metal Gear Solid, is one of those games that give you a ORIGINAL story, and plot, in every outting, like with FoxHound and Solid Snake in MGS1, Raiden and Solidus in MGS2, and i really can't say, since i never played MGS3, but in MGS2, it brought us in on the Mystery of the "Patriots". So i assume that's what it's about.
Every system has it's problems, but what Microsoft failed to do was release good games, to make up for the bugs, fans are left in the dark, with medicore games, that they could get a better experience on the original Xbox. What sony did, even with some bugs in the console, was released some good games, so the fans didn't care, as long as they had some good to decent games to play, so that made the they spent on their Ps2 not wasted.