How Do I Do This?

Hp = 100
MaxHp = 100
Mp = 50
MaxMp = 50
src.health_meter.num = (src.Hp/src.MaxHp)*src.health_meter.width
src.mana_meter.num = (src.Mp/src.MaxMp)*src.mana_meter.width
src.mana_meter.Update() = "[src.Hp]/[src.MaxHp]" = "[src.Mp]/[src.MaxMp]"

How I Need Help!

Well I am trying to make it so only magicians have MP and no one else But i dont now how to make Seperate Stat Panels Sorta Thing so i put it in a calss sorta thing but i dont now how to set the class variables and everything else to the client that chooses Magician i tried doing this
client = new/mob/Class/Magician()

But That Didnt Work !!!!HELP!!!!

Xereo wrote:

Well I am trying to make it so only magicians have MP and no one else But i dont now how to make Seperate Stat Panels Sorta Thing so i put it in a calss sorta thing but i dont now how to set the class variables and everything else to the client that chooses Magician i tried doing this

To make seperate statpanels is quite simple.

Its pretty basic

statpanel("Stats") // Everyone's Stat Panel
stat("HP:",health_meter) // Everyone's Health Meter
if(class=="Magician") // if their class is magician
stat("MP:",mana_meter) // they have an MP meter
else if(class=="Elf") // // If their class is Elf
stat("Arrows:",arrow_meter) // They have Arrow meter

I added an Elf class so you could see how to add more then one class.
In response to Crzylme
Like that, you're checking the Stat() proc's class. You need to make it if(usr.class=="Magician").

PS; yes, here you MAY use usr in a proc.
In response to Mysame
Thank You all
In response to Xereo
i answered your question on the how to forum.