This is a list of computer parts that I put togeather to show the kind of deal you can get by putting your computer togeather yourself.
Premium Doom 2535 Black ATX Mid-Tower Case with Front USB and Audio Ports and 400-Watt 20/24-Pin Power Supply
Price - $44.99
ABIT KU8 ULi Socket 754 ATX Motherboard and an AMD Sempron 64 2800+ 1.60GHz Processor
Price - $134.99
Maxtor / DiamondMax 10 / 160GB / 7200 / 16MB / ATA-133 / EIDE / OEM / RoHS Compliant Hard Drive
Price - $89.99
$40 mail-in rebate
Price after rebate - $49.99
Kingston Dual Channel 512MB PC3200 DDR 400MHz Memory (2 x 256MB)
Price - $49.99
PowerColor Radeon 9250 / 128MB DDR / AGP 8X / VGA / DVI / TV Out / Video Card
Price - $39.99
Lite-on SOHC-5236K / 52x32x52x CD-RW / 16x DVD-ROM / Black / Combo Drive
Price - $33.99
Ultra 18" Rounded Blue IDE Cable For 2 Devices
Price - $4.99
____________________________________________________________ _____
Total after rebates
![]() Dec 27 2005, 7:55 am
![]() Dec 27 2005, 10:59 am
I recommend, if you want to play any modern games, get a more powerful graphics card. Put in an extra $40 and get a 9800se, they work rather well on almost every game in the market, you can't max out settings or anything, but it works.
Scoobert wrote:
I recommend, if you want to play any modern games, get a more powerful graphics card. Put in an extra $40 and get a 9800se, they work rather well on almost every game in the market, you can't max out settings or anything, but it works. Sounds like a good idea, but the parts I put togeather where put togeather not for an extreme gaming system, but because they were good and inexpensive. btw, the site I went to is just in case I forgot to mention. Oh, and I only have $270 in saved money and no job. that's why I didn't spend any extra money if I didn't need to. In fact I'll probably drop the CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive and the case because I can't afford them.(btw I didn't buy it yet, but I'm thinking about it.) |
Ack! Don't buy from them, try
I dislike tigerdirect, rarely do they have better prices, and they have bad customer service(slow delivery, bad packaging, damaged packages). I buy most everything from |
Yeah, I heard that newegg had good prices and stuff, I have checked it out, and I've not seen many bad reviews about newegg but I kinda wish they'd organize the information a little better. And one reason I choose to show the prices from tigerdirect is because I've been looking at their stuff longer than newegg. One thing I do like about newegg though is they have instant rebates unlike tigerdirect's mail-in rebates. I wouldn't say their prices are lower than tigerdirect's but the instant rebates make a big difference. I mean the price may be the same but you don't have to wait for your money back, you just pay less. Anyway, if you want I can go get some parts fron newegg and prices and show the difference. :)
Also, are you close to one of their distrobution centers? that may make a difference in shipping time and quality. And the service is probably just bad because the people over there weren't nice. Thanks, Ben (Not my real name, just a nick-name) Another thing, I wonder why we're the only ones posting on this topic, besides the fact that I'm the one who started it. :) |
Actualy, I am really close to one of thier shipping depos. About 2 hours drive away. But shipping was still slow, and boxes where still dented. I do have to pay tax from them too, since they are located in the same state as me. If you want to use tigerdirect, I am not going to stop you, but I have seen their quality and service, and I am not satisfied. And don't get me started on thier prebuilt systems, they fall apart, almost litiraly. I have had HPs that worked and held together better. I just generaly don't like TD. That is all opinional though, so I suppose you have the right to disagree.
I get all my orders in two days, but customer service is aweful! I had to replace my memory and they took what felt like a lifetime, and would never reply to tell me if it had been processed. I also have a bad tendency to get bad parts from tigerdirect.
My comp locked up at random times o.o. It was at the factory for 2 bloody weeks and nothing has changed -.-.
lol, on mine the mouse and keyboard stopped working(on the motherboard) and it took about 3 months to get it replaced. Shortly after getting it replaced the mouse stopped working on the motherboard. I binned that and got a whole new computer. I built the new one myself and i'd suggest to anyone wanting a computer to build it themselves
My current system works pretty well though i would like some more space or a better graphics card.
AMD 939 3000+ CPU(2.4 GHZ) A8V Deluxe Motherboard 2 Gig Corsair 3200 TwinX Memory 6800 GT OEM(Nvidia)(Custom Cooling) 2x200 Gig Seagate Hard Disks 1x300 Gig Western Digital Hard Disks 2x300 Gig Seagate Sata Drives 1x80 Gig Seagate Sata Drive DVD Burner(some brand) Themaltake Armor Case Works really really well. Also got a 2.7ghz amd being using as a media box(hooked up to plasma wide screen tv) which has a 5900xt. I had trouble with the 2.7ghz about 1 week ago but that was because of a faulty psu |
Critical wrote:
My current system works pretty well though i would like some more space or a better graphics card. note than an Athlon 2700+ is not 2.7ghz -.- it is indeed around 2ghz (not sure exactly) but is rated at 2700+ |