Okay, for a while now nothing that uses OpenGL or Direct3D has worked (I get memory protection error thingies). I haven't been sure why. I've tried reinstalling DirectX and my graphics drivers, but nothing has worked.

My card is a GeForce 2 MX. According to DxDiag, my driver is version 4.14.0010.7772. They're NVIDIA drivers. I'm running Windows 98 SE.

I think I may have tracked down the root cause of the problem - DxDiag states that my graphics card has 2080 MB of video memory, which is obviously bogus (It has 64 MB, I think). My guess is that the graphics card's memory is being detected wrong, and then various graphics routines try to use this phantom memory. This phantom memory isn't actually on the card, it's somewhere on the system, and windows objects to the program using that memory (As it should).

Basically, I need a way to either manually set the amount of memory various things see for my graphics card, or fix that problem.
Well, it could be that your graphics card has dead memory. This would cause lots of problems. I have no way for you to test this though, so that is just a guess.
In response to Scoobert
It works fine in my linux partition - I can't see dead memory affecting Windows only.
In response to Jp
Ahh, ok, well, try removing the drivers and reinstalling them.
Are those the lastest drivers, as far as I know the Gforce 2 MX line is still supported(You might want to check before getting lastest drivers, as I had a Gforce 2 TI and that screwed a lot with the graphics.) It sounds a lot like out dated drivers, since Nvidia includes it's own OpenGL.(I'm not sure about Direct3D.)
In response to Scoobert
I've just reinstalled windows, actually, for a variety of reasons.

And it still happens. Of course, this is with DirectX 6.

I'd tried reinstalling the drivers - Several different versions of them, too.

EDIT: After reinstalling windows, installing DirectX 9, and installing the latest graphics drivers from NVIDIA, 3D stuff still doesn't work. And the graphics card is detected as having 2080MB of memory.

This just makes no sense! The damned thing worked before!

Maybe I should get windows 2000 or something...
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
I've just reinstalled windows 98SE, and then installed DirectX 9c and the latest NVIDIA drivers (And they state that they support the Geforce 2 MX, which is what the card is).

It still don't work.
In response to Jp
What exactly are you trying to run anyways?
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
It doesn't matter what I intend to use the damned thing for - I'm well aware that nothing 'modern' will run particularly well on this system. If you're really interested, Warcraft 3, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo 2, and other sundries. Yes, they did all work before this, and yes, the system can handle them.

I know it isn't working because I use dxdiag to check it. :P.