In response to IainPeregrine
Flash 8 is too awesome an upgrade to be missed.
The reason you only see a blue square is because your flash player can't detect filters, which are an addition for flash 8 (think simpler versions of photoshop filters, but dynamic, changable by code at runtime =D ).
Flash 8 also has a garbage routine so it makes stuff run faster.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Much better! I still had 32 lives and 168000 points when I decided to quit, but it was much more fun.

So far my best score is:

Score: 32496
Power orbs collected: 931. Bonus balls collected: 119. Bogus balls collected: 63. Overall problems complete: 245.

For some reason I am really bad at my own game. =p

I'd recommend reducing the amount of lives even further near the beginning of the game

I'll probably include this in the sequel. Better balancing, that is.


What is desperately needed, I realised, is a difficulty setting. Players could set which difficulty to start at.
Very cool game.
Some guy just offered me 50 USD to place a 6 second ad at the start of Colour Blast, and a "More games" button on the main menu.

- What is the average going rate for ads on newgrounds?
- Should I do it?
- What other stuff do I need to know?

I'm fairly new to newgrounds.


I took the deal.
There's a way to cheat. Just move your block into the bottom-left corner off the screen, and nothing will hit you, but if you position yourself right, you can still collect orbs before they move onto the screen.
In response to Elation
That's awesome.
In response to Artekia
I want money for programming!

*grumbless about how some people have all the luck*

In response to Artekia
Yeah, free money. =) Some other guy also offered to sponsor my game too...I'll just knock out a sequel cash cow. ;)
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
I'll just knock out a sequel cash cow. ;)

Sigh. Such a promising indie developer, already co-opted into the dreary and unimaginative world of corporate game manufacturing at such a tender young age!
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Sigh. Such a promising indie developer, already co-opted into the dreary and unimaginative world of corporate game manufacturing at such a tender young age!

Yeah, but in 50 years time even you'll be walking into Ela Corp. stores to buy your latest fix of Uber Robo Dancing 2056.
I got to about 300k points, but then I ran into a lot of those brown dots, I got clear then it happened again at around difficulty 20 and I went from 270k to 90k points.
In response to Elation
I say don't do it, but thats just me. I made a boxing game that got got simi-popular(it was open sourced). Somebody turned it into a bush vs osama thing, not bad actualy. It was actualy really simple with very little action script.
Eh, was taking too long for me to load and I have the attention span of a
In response to EGUY
Haha...the game is only like, 600 kb. =p
In response to Scoobert
What's the harm a 6 second ad do? It also gives me an insane amount of money for pretty low amount of work (since Flash is my hobby anyway- I'll I'm doing is adding an ad to the game).

It helps developers and causes a very tiny amount of extra waiting time for gamers!
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
...latest fix of Uber Robo Dancing 2056.

In response to SuperAntx
SuperAntx wrote:

Please, if you're going to post, make sure it's something that isn't already obvious. ;)
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